2021 Annual Report

Directors’ Report — Remuneration report 30 June 2021 Shareholdings of KMP The number of ordinary shares in the Company held by each Director and other Executive KMP, including their personally related entities, are set out below. Name Balance at the start of the year Received during the year on vesting or exercise of service rights Other changes during the period Balance at the end of the year Directors Debra Bakker 21,687 - 9,113 30,800 Peter Bilbe 40,000 - 7,059 47,059 Kathleen Bozanic 11,780 - 2,079 13,859 Peter Bradford 646,000 227,254 271,756 1,145,010 Peter Buck 22,200 - 3,918 26,118 Michael Nossal - - 40,000 40,000 Keith Spence 22,125 - 2,603 24,728 Neil Warburton 106,034 - (106,034) - Xiaoping Yang - - 14,200 14,200 Executive KMP Keith Ashby 20,339 54,213 (74,552) - Kate Barker 4,115 14,803 3,339 22,257 Matt Dusci 41,360 103,298 21,730 166,388 Andrew Eddowes 111,083 28,635 11,047 150,765 Joanne McDonald - 23,213 4,099 27,312 Sam Retallack 29,662 45,193 6,522 81,377 Ian Sandl 2,503 31,684 3,779 37,966 Scott Steinkrug 74,411 126,962 (93,308) 108,065 Total 1,153,299 655,255 127,350 1,935,904 Whilst IGO does not have a formal policy stating a minimum shareholding in IGO shares for Non-executive Directors and Executive KMP, guidelines on this subject have been adopted. These guidelines state, that in order to achieve a greater alignment with shareholder interests, Non-executive Directors and KMP are encouraged to hold shares in the Company. IGO is committed to achieving greater diversity throughout the business and this includes the membership of the Board and Executive KMP. To this end, the Board acknowledges that each current or future Non-executive Director and Executive KMP may have different personal circumstances. Accordingly, Non-executive Directors are encouraged to acquire and hold IGO shares to the equivalent value of one years of director fees within a reasonable period of time that suits their personal circumstances. Similarly, Executive KMP are encouraged to acquire and hold IGO shares over a reasonable time period, noting that the number of shares and the time period will be in accordance with each Executive KMP’s personal circumstances. (V) Other transactions with Executive KMP During the current financial year, there were no other transactions with Executive KMP or their related parties. (VI) Voting of shareholders at last year’s annual general meeting IGO Limited received more than 99% of “yes” votes on its Remuneration Report for the 2020 financial year. The Company sought feedback throughout the year on its remuneration practices through communications with key shareholders and proxy advisors. This feedback included advice on continuing to provide the current level of transparency within the Remuneration Report and ensure remuneration across the business reflects the strategic direction of the Company. END OF AUDITED REMUNERATION REPORT 70 —IGO ANNUAL REPORT 2021