2021 Annual Report

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 81 1 Segment information 81 2 Revenue 84 3 Other income 85 4 Expenses and losses 86 5 Income tax 86 6 Earnings per share 89 WORKING CAPITAL AND PROVISIONS 91 7 Cash and cash equivalents 91 8 Trade and other receivables 92 9 Inventories 93 10 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 94 11 Trade and other payables 94 12 Provisions 94 INVESTED CAPITAL 97 13 Property, plant and equipment 97 14 Leases 99 15 Mine properties 101 16 Exploration and evaluation 103 CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES 104 17 Borrowings 104 18 Contributed equity 106 19 Reserves and retained earnings 107 20 Dividends paid and proposed 109 RISK 110 21 Derivatives 110 22 Financial risk management 111 GROUP STRUCTURE 119 23 Discontinued operation 119 24 Interests in subsidiaries 120 25 Interests in associates 121 OTHER INFORMATION 123 26 Commitments and contingencies 123 27 Events occurring after the reporting period 123 28 Share-based payments 124 29 Related party transactions 128 30 Parent entity financial information 129 31 Deed of cross guarantee 130 32 Remuneration of auditors 132 33 Summary of significant accounting policies 132 CONTENTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to The Consolidated Financial Statements 30 June 2021 80 — IGO ANNUAL REPORT 2021