2021 Annual Report

1 Segment information (continued) (c) Segment revenue A reconciliation of reportable segment revenue to total revenue from continuing operations is as follows: 2021 $'000 2020 $'000 Total revenue for reportable segments 912,098 883,352 Elimination of discontinued operation (243,257) (290,078) Other revenue from continuing operations 2,898 5,578 Total revenue from continuing operations 671,739 598,852 Revenues for the Nova Operation were received from BHP Nickel West Pty Ltd and Trafigura Pte. Ltd. Revenues for the Tropicana Operation were received from The Perth Mint, Australia and the Company's financiers via forward sales contracts. (d) Segment net profit before income tax A reconciliation of reportable segment profit before income tax to profit before discontinued operations and income tax is as follows: 2021 $'000 2020 $'000 Segment profit before income tax 266,838 208,316 Elimination of discontinued operation (67,264) (98,282) Interest revenue on corporate cash balances and other unallocated revenue 2,898 5,578 Fair value movement of financial investments 9,958 33,207 Share-based payments expense (4,917) (4,489) Corporate and other costs and unallocated other income (18,588) (20,710) Borrowing and finance costs (25,172) (2,765) Acquisition and other integration costs (4,550) - Depreciation expense on unallocated assets (2,616) (3,095) Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries and other unallocated assets - 3,470 Total profit before income tax from continuing operations 156,587 121,230 (e) Segment assets A reconciliation of reportable segment assets to total assets is as follows: 2021 $'000 2020 $'000 Total assets for reportable segments 3,043,364 1,634,936 Unallocated assets: Deferred tax assets 30,721 119,734 Listed equity securities 110,944 107,759 Cash and receivables held by the parent entity 410,503 418,642 Office and general plant and equipment 13,200 11,959 Total assets as per the balance sheet 3,608,732 2,293,030 Notes to The Consolidated Financial Statements 30 June 2021 IGO ANNUAL REPORT 2021 — 83