Independence Group Sustainability Report 2019

ENVIRONMENT FY19 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT PROFILE FY19 Significant environmental incidents 0 Value of fines and prosecutions - environment ($) 0 DMIRS Improvement notices received - environment 0 DMIRS Prohibition notices received - environment 0 Total energy use (gigajoules) 1,386,454 Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 1 (tonnes CO 2 equivalent) 73,963 Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 2 (tonnes CO 2 equivalent) 130 Greenhouse gas emissions - Total (tonnes CO 2 equivalent) 74,093 Carbon monoxide (kilograms) 346,570 Sulphur dioxide (kilograms) 414 Oxides of nitrogen (kilograms) 769,029 Volatile organic compounds (kilograms) 37,437 Particulate (<PM10um) emissions (kilograms) 1,446,816 Particulate (<PM2.5um) emissions (kilograms) 41,649 Total water consumption (megalitres) 1,733.40 Total water withdrawal (megalitres) 1198.82 Water recycled in process (megalitres) 1106.54 Total water discharge (megalitres) 21.78 Waste rock (tonnes) 440,612 Tailings (dry tonnes) 1,443,449.8 Materials to on-site landfill (tonnes) 981.2 Materials to off-site landfill (tonnes) 577.5 FY19 PRIMARY SOURCES OF ENERGY USED (GIGAJOULES) TOTAL Diesel 1,374,247 Lubricating oil and grease 10,907 SWIS electricity sources 671 Unleaded gasoline 629 Total 1,386,454 78 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 PERFORMANCE DATA