Independence Group Sustainability Report 2019

DISCLOSURE NUMBER DISCLOSURE TITLE LOCATION OR EXPLANATION Freedom of association and collective bargaining 103-2 Management approach on Engaged workforce Annual Report – Our people (pages 10-13) Responsible operations – Our people (pages 29-33) 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 2019 Corporate Governance Statement 407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk IGO recognise our people’s fundamental right to negotiate conditions of employment either individually or collectively. Reflecting our continued efforts to establish a culture of inclusion and positive relationships with our workforce, no time was lost due to industrial issues involving an IGO employee during FY19. Rights of Indigenous peoples 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and Boundary Sustainability fundamentals – Reporting our material priorities (page 69) 103-2 Management approach on Stakeholder relations and Cultural heritage Making a difference in the community – Working in partnership with communities and Traditional Owners (page 56) Community Policy Human Rights Policy Common Management System Standard 7 – Communication, Consultation and Participation 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Overview – Integrating sustainability (page 12) Making a difference in the community – Working in partnership with communities and Traditional Owners (page 56) 411-1 Incidents of violations involving rights of Indigenous peoples Making a difference in the community – Working in partnership with communities and Traditional Owners (page 56) 2019 Corporate Governance Statement MM5 Total number of operations taking place in or adjacent to indigenous peoples’ territories, and number and percentage of operations or sites where there are formal agreements with indigenous peoples’ communities IGO recognises the local Indigenous communities’ rights and interests in the land on which we operate and explore. IGO has a formal Mining Rights Agreement in place with the Ngadju People in relation to its Nova Operation. IGO has numerous formal agreements in place with local Indigenous people in relation to IGO’s exploration activities and tenure. There arrangements include heritage agreements with Traditional Owners. Annual Report – Nova Operation (pages 22-23); Tropicana Operation (pages 24-25); Regional exploration and development (pages 26-27) Making a difference in the community – Working in partnership with communities and Traditional Owners (page 56) 92 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 GRI CONTENT INDEX