SI Serious injury A lost time injury where: – The injured person is off work for more than two calendar weeks; or – Involves unconsciousness arising from inhalation of fumes or poisonous gases; or asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen or displacement of oxygen by an inert gas; or – Results from an accident, including fuming, arising from the use of explosives or blasting agents. Social licence to operate The level of acceptance a population or community has for an operation, company or industry. SPI Serious potential incident Incidents where the likely potential outcome is a fatality, permanent disabling injury, or irreversible or widespread health impacts. Usually there are no critical controls remaining to prevent impact to people, and the actual outcome is dependent on chance. Stakeholder A person or group that is influenced by, or can influence, an organisation. SWIS South West Interconnected System of Western Australia. SWIS is an electricity provider sourcing energy from a wide range of sources, including wind farms, solar and other renewables. t Metric tonnes TCFD Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Tropicana Operation Tropicana Gold Mine that is 30 per cent owned by IGO and 70 per cent owned by AngloGold Ashanti Australia under the Tropicana Joint Venture agreement. TRIFR Total reportable injury frequency rate Many companies, including IGO, differentiate between total recordable injuries and total reportable injuries and the associated frequency rates. In Western Australia, total reportable injuries are defined by law, in that they include lost time injuries and reportable restricted work injuries. The frequency rate is calculated by the number of lost time and restricted work injuries / total hours worked (manhours) x 1,000,000 TSF Tailings storage facility Underlying EBITDA A non-IFRS measure and comprises net profit or loss before financial costs, depreciation and amortisation and income tax, and after any earnings adjustment items, including asset impairments, gain or loss on sale of subsidiaries, redundancy and restructuring costs, depreciations and amortisation, and one-off transaction costs. Underlying free cash flow Comprises free cash flow adjusted to exclude acquisition costs, proceeds from investment sales and payments for investments and mineral interests. WAD Weak acid dissociable Waste rock The sub-grade rock displaced during underground or surface mining operations Water consumption Defined in the GRI Reporting Standards as the sum of all water that has been withdrawn and incorporated into products, used in the production of crops or generated as waste, has evaporated, transpired, or been consumed by humans or livestock, or is polluted to the point of being unusable by other users, and is therefore not released back to surface water, groundwater, seawater, or a third party over the course of the reporting period. For IGO, this includes total water in product, water in paste holdup, water in tailings, decant water recycled, and evaporation and other losses. Water discharge Defined in the GRI Reporting Standards as the sum of effluents, used water, and unused water released to surface water, groundwater, seawater, or a third party, for which the organisation has no further use, over the course of the reporting period. For the IGO, this includes water discharged to the licenced irrigation area. Water withdrawal Defined in the GRI Reporting Standards as the sum of all water drawn from surface water, groundwater, seawater, or a third party for any use over the course of the reporting period. For IGO, this includes groundwater from production bores, mine seepage, ore moisture and precipitation. Workers’ compensation Payments required by law to be made to an employee who is injured or disabled in relation to work. GLOSSARY References AngloGold Ashanti https://www.anglogoldashanti.com/ Australian Biodiversity Science Institute – Framework for Developing Mine-site Completion Criteria in Western Australia https://www.dmp.wa.gov.au/Documents/Environment/Framework_ developing_mine-site_completion_criteria_WA.pdf Climate Change Policy https://www.igo.com.au/site/caring/sustainability Cobalt Institute https://www.cobaltinstitute.org/ Community Policy https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/2523_0/communitypolicy Copper Development Association https://www.copper.org/ Corporate Governance Statement 2020 https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/eff62bb5-1762-4ac0-9bd0-40f79dba0 2b4/2020CorporateGovernanceStatementandAppendix4G Downstream Processing https://www.igo.com.au/site/operations/downstream-processing Environmental Policy https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/2524_0/environmentalpolicy Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards https://www.globalreporting.org/standards Human Rights Policy https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/2820_2/humanrightspolicy IGO Code of Conduct https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/3175_2/codeofconduct IGO Common Management System Standards https://www.igo.com.au/site/our-business/governance IGO Annual Report https://www.igo.com.au/annualreport/2020/ IGO Group Community Standards https://www.igo.com.au/site/caring/community IGO Group Environmental Standards https://www.igo.com.au/site/caring/environment IGO Group Governance Standards https://www.igo.com.au/site/our-business/governance Nickel Institute https://nickelinstitute.org/ Occupation Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy https://www.igo.com.au/site/file/41/Occupational%20Health,%20 Safety%20and%20Wellbeing%20Policy.pdf People and Performance Committee Charter https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/2822_2/ peopleandperformancecommitteecharter Sustainability and Risk Committee Charter https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/2824_2/ sustainabilityandriskcommitteecharter Tailings Dam Disclosure 2019 https://www.igo.com.au/site/ PDF/2784_2/20190613igotailingsdamdisclosurecoverletterv10 Tax Transparency Report https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/3108_2/taxtransparencyreportfy19 Workplace Gender Equality Report https://www.igo.com.au/site/PDF/2911_2/wgeanoticeofcompliance2019 120 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020— 121
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