ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT We work in some of Australia’s most biologically, ecologically and culturally rich environments. Responsible environmental management plays a significant role in maintaining our social licence to operate, and our Proactively Green strategy drives our environmental stewardship efforts. We endeavour to be Proactively Green both in the choice of commodities we seek to develop and how their development is pursued. In this area, innovation can be a catalyst. Our Proactively Green section on page 27 demonstrates the way innovation and collaboration can dramatically reduce our physical footprint, improve the way we use our natural resources, and be a catalyst for establishing the Proactively Green mines of the future. As we progress towards our strategic aspirations and Proactively Green sustainability framework, we work hard to protect the environment and minimise our impacts. We conduct our environmental management activities throughout the business life cycle in accordance with our Environmental Policy and publicly available Group Environmental Management Standards. These Standards include: • Rehabilitation and Mine Closure • Social and Environmental Impact Assessment • Mineral Waste Management • Water Management • Land Use and Biodiversity Management • Air Emissions Management • General Waste Management Each Standard has been developed to meet industry best practice and is based on relevant Australian and internationally-accepted standards. These include the Leading Practice Sustainability Development Program for the Mining Industry (Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science), and publications produced by the Minerals Council of Australia, and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). The Standards were benchmarked against our peers and incorporated feedback from both our workforce and our host communities. Key to maintaining our social licence to operate is complying with all relevant regulations and conditions on our mining tenure. We maintain and update a Group- level obligations register which is used to systematically capture the environmental conditions associated with both our tenements, obligations arising from environmental approvals and other public commitments. In January 2020, a government audit determined that IGO was non-compliant with its obligations in respect of a number of our exploration tenements. Specifically, it was noted that we had failed to complete rehabilitation works within six months of the completion of ground-disturbing activities or, alternatively, to have sought and been granted an extension of time to complete the rehabilitation activities in line with the conditions of our exploration licences. Subsequently, it was also identified that a number of our exploration tenements had not been rehabilitated to the required standard. IGO’s investigation into the circumstances leading to these outcomes identified deficiencies in our internal systems. In response to this finding, IGO has significantly progressed works to establish an improved business process to formally track and report on IGO’s exploration rehabilitation works, both pending and completed. The process addresses: • the introduction of new resources to the exploration team and clarification of associated roles and responsibilities; • improvements in the management of IGO’s obligations; • the more effective capture of land clearing and rehabilitation data; and • the introduction of an assurance process to review the status of our rehabilitation obligations. Further, IGO has progressed rehabilitation works in accordance with a Rehabilitation Plan approved by the regulator; the Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS). As of 30 June 2020, IGO has completed 1,832 line-kilometres of track rehabilitation works (522 hectares) with a further 819 line- kilometres to be completed. We are confident that the remaining rehabilitation works will be completed by 31 December 2020 as committed to DMIRS. MANAGING EXPLORATION REHABILITATION Approach to impact management At IGO, we are committed to safeguarding the environment and take a precautionary approach to environmental management. We acknowledge that our activities have the potential to adversely impact on the environment and are committed to mitigating these impacts by integrating environmental considerations into all stages of our activities. We are careful to ensure that both science and stakeholder feedback informs our approach to impact mitigation. While IGO’s environmental impacts are relatively minor, we have an ongoing commitment to make a real but proportionate contribution to addressing global environmental challenges, such as global warming, biodiversity loss, deforestation, water pollution, soil degradation and waste management. Land clearing and rehabilitation Currently IGO’s single largest environmental impact is land clearing. Given the current technologies required for exploration, IGO, like other explorers, must physically explore ‘on the ground’ and use on- ground electromagnetic surveys, seismic surveys, surface soil sampling and drilling tools. Invariably this requires the creation of cleared tracks for the passage of vehicles. While the need for these tracks is temporary, vegetation is removed. Land clearing is a fundamental pressure on the environment. It causes the loss, fragmentation and degradation of native habitats and ecosystems; it impacts soils through erosion and loss of propagules and nutrients; and causes sedimentation and pollution of water bodies. Smaller fragments of remnant vegetation are also particularly vulnerable to invasive species and fire. This impact is compounded by the legacy of extensive historical clearing across Australia. IGO is committed to the progressive rehabilitation of its mine sites and exploration areas. The aim of rehabilitation is to return disturbed land to a safe, stable, non-polluting/ non-contaminating landform in an ecologically sustainable manner that is productive and/or self-sustaining. Progressive rehabilitation involves the staged treatment of disturbed areas during exploration and operation and is conducted as soon as these areas become available, rather than undertaking large-scale rehabilitation works at the end of planned activities. During FY20, IGO disturbed 122 hectares of land and rehabilitated 577 hectares. IGO LAND DISTURBANCE AND REHABILITATION FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 122 387 90 817 577 171 5 41 Land Disturbance Rehabilitation AT A GLANCE 1,040 t 122 ha 577 ha of waste and materials recycled in FY20 Land disturbed in FY20 Land rehabilitated in FY20 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSTMENT (EIA) completion of a large-scale EIA across all our exploration activities within the Fraser Range Project DEVELOPED ALL- OF-SITE ACCURATE WATER BALANCE AT OUR NOVA OPERATION 52 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020— 53 RESPONSIBLE OPERATIONS