Optimising Business Value DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Our success in delivering our business strategy enables us to share the benefits our business creates and contribute to the growth of the local and regional economies. We share value through taxes, employment and procurement opportunities, and build communities by investing in education and training. REDUCED INEQUALITIES Across our business and in every region in which we work, we actively promote inclusion through local employment and procurement. We do not discriminate on any basis. We are transparent about our activities and the payments we make, and work towards reducing inequalities across all levels of our supply chain. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE We have an innovative culture that proactively applies new technologies and processes to leverage our business potential, optimise business value and enable the discovery of new resources. We seek better ways to explore and extract metals from the earth while reducing environmental impacts and improving safety. We seek to share learnings and collaborate with others. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES The products we supply are critical to clean energy storage and renewable energy markets, contributing to a sustainable, low carbon future. We work collaboratively with local communities, governments, Traditional Owners, and other stakeholders to enable long-term success and opportunity and build sustainable communities beyond our direct involvement. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020— 85 84 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020