Sustainability Report 2021

Performance data is provided for each pillar of IGO’s sustainability framework and associated chapter of this report – our people, safety and wellbeing, communities and Traditional Owners, our response to climate change, environment, business integrity and our financial contributions. The data is reported for at least the current financial year (FY21), with previous reporting periods disclosed if material or for comparison. Unless stated otherwise, the data represents 100 per cent of the parameters at IGO managed operations. Data reported in previous years may be modified if changes are required to ensure comparability over time, or if verification processes detect material errors. Where data has been restated, a footnote to the data has been provided. Following divestment during the financial year, data for Tropicana Operation has been excluded from this report. As the Tianqi Lithium Corporation transaction settled on 30 June 2021, this Sustainability Report does not report on performance and data from these operations. However more information will be provided in future reports. All monetary amounts are in Australian dollars and exclude the Australian goods and services tax (GST). Dollar amounts presented in this report are approximate and the reader is directed to the IGO 2021 Annual Report for further information. Refer to the glossary on page 121 for terms and definitions used. Our People Read more – page 30 WORKFORCE PROFILE FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 Employees 1 398 364 307 612 445 Contractors 262 379 465 366 351 Female Employees 108 88 72 190 89 Female Employees (%) 27 24 23 31 20 Male Employees 290 276 235 422 364 Male Employees (%) 73 76 77 69 80 Employee engagement – response rate (%) 79 77 83 97 61 Employee engagement score (%) 67 69 71 55 39 1. Employee count includes IGO Board members, excludes contractors and joint ventures. EMPLOYEES BY GENDER AND EMPLOYMENT TYPE FY21 FY20 Female Male Female Male Executive management 37.5% 62.5% 33% 67% Senior management 15% 85% 8% 92% Regular employees 28% 72% 26% 74% Students 33% 67% 19% 81% Permanent full-time employees 21% 79% 20% 80% Permanent part-time employees 100% - 100% - Total permanent employees 26% 74% 25% 75% Total temporary employees 1 32% 38% 21% 79% Total IGO direct employees 27% 73% 24% 76% Total IGO direct employees (count) 108 290 88 276 1. Temporary employee includes casual, temporary part-time and temporary full-time employment types. Performance Data IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 99