Sustainability Report 2021

WORKFORCE DIVERSITY FY21 FY20 Number Percentage Number Percentage Women representation of total workforce 1 108 27% 88 24% Women representation in IGO senior executive 3 37.5% 3 33% Women represented by IGO Board 3 37.5% 2 29% Women represented in graduate intake 1 33% 2 22% Full-time Aboriginal employees employed 13 3% 10 3% Aboriginal graduates in IGO workforce - - - - 1. Figures include IGO direct employees only. FY21 REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF WORKFORCE Location Employees Female Male Western Australia 383 106 277 Northern Territory 1 - 1 New South Wales 1 - 1 Queensland 3 - 3 Tasmania 2 1 1 South Australia 1 - 1 Victoria 5 - 5 International 2 1 1 Total 398 108 290 FY21 EMPLOYEE HIRING RATE AND TURNOVER Gender (%) Age groups (%) TOTAL (%) Female Male Under 30 30-50 Over 50 Employee hiring rate 1 37 63 31 50 19 23 Employee turnover 2 25 75 29 52 19 19 Voluntary employee turnover rate 21 79 29 51 20 18 1. Average hiring cost in FY21 was A$3,838 per employee. 2. Rolling 12-month employee turnover is 12.8%. FY21 PARENTAL LEAVE PROFILE Employees Female Male Employees entitled to parental leave 1 398 27% 73% Employees that took parental leave during FY21 17 24% 76% Employees that returned to work during FY21 after parental leave ended 17 24% 76% Employees that returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work 6 17% 83% Return to work and retention rates of employees that took parental leave 88% 100% 100% 1. Total figures include all qualifying permanent part-time and full-time employees as at 30 June 2021. 100 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 Performance Data