Sustainability Report 2021

Communities & Traditional Owners Read more – page 44 FY21 FY20 Corporate giving contributions (A$M) 0.9 1 0.6 Payments to Ngadju people 2 (A$M) 4.7 4.5 Cultural heritage surveys (ha) 320,243 232,360 Cultural heritage sites identified and managed 65 26 1. Includes a one-off payment in FY21 to the Norseman and Esperance communities. 2. Includes production royalty payments. Our Response to Climate Change Read more – page 52 FY21 FY20 Total energy use (gigajoules) 1,248,384 1,251,396 Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 1 (tonnes CO 2 equivalent) 63,337 63,536 1 Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 2 (tonnes CO 2 equivalent) 138 173 Greenhouse gas emissions - Total (tonnes CO 2 equivalent) 63,475 63,709 1 Carbon monoxide (kilograms) 266,583 256,006 Sulphur dioxide (kilograms) 318 305 Oxides of nitrogen (kilograms) 594,100 570,528 Volatile organic compounds (kilograms) 25,135 24,138 Particulate (<PM10um) emissions (kilograms) 31,228 29,989 Particulate (<PM2.5um) emissions (kilograms) 30,467 29,258 1. The FY20 Scope 1 emissions changed slightly from what was reported in the 2020 Sustainability Report (63,179t CO 2 -e), due to updated guidance received by the Clean Energy Regulator after the public release of the report. PRIMARY SOURCES OF ENERGY USED (GIGAJOULES) FY21 FY20 Diesel 1,203,691 1,208,670 Lubricating oil and grease 9,320 9,181 SWIS electricity sources 731 905 Unleaded gasoline 620 - Solar energy 33,735 32,640 Total 1,248,097 1,251,396 SOURCES OF TOTAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (TONNES CO2 EQUIVALENT) FY21 FY20 Diesel combusted 63,236 63,405 1 LPG combusted 17 - SWIS electricity sources 138 173 Lubricating oil and grease 40 111 Unleaded gasoline 43 18.3 SF6 Stock 1 0.93 Total 63,475 63,709 1 1. The FY20 Scope 1 emissions changed slightly from what was reported in the 2020 Sustainability Report (63,179t CO 2 -e), due to updated guidance received by the Clean Energy Regulator after the public release of the report. Performance Data 102 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021