Sustainability Report 2021

Disclosure Number Disclosure Title Location or Explanation Other Material Topics 103-1, 103-2 Explanation of the material topic and boundary Management approach on capital allocation and growth Annual Report – Operational scorecard and outlook (page 14); Nova Operation (pages 16-18); Tropicana Operation (page 19); Lithium Joint Venture (pages 20-21); Regional exploration & development (pages 22-25) Our approach to sustainability – Reporting what matters (pages 22-24) 103-1, 103-2 Explanation of the material topic and boundary Management approach on tailings storage Our approach to sustainability – Reporting what matters (pages 22-24) Environment – Mineral residue management (page 78) Common Management System Standard 3 – Risk Management Common Management System Standard 13 – Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Planning MM3 Overburden, rock, tailings and sludges and their associated risks Our approach to sustainability – Reporting what matters (pages 22-24) Environment – Mineral residue management (page 78) Performance data – Environment (page 103) IGO Group Environmental Standard 3 – Mineral Waste Management MM10 Number and percentage of operations with closure plans 100 per cent 120 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 GRI Content Index