Sustainability Report 2021

Engagement Interactions between people, often a company and its stakeholders. Engagement includes consultation, communication, education and public participation. ERF Emissions reduction fund ESG Environment, social and governance FBI CRC Future Battery Industries Cooperative Research Centre Free Cash Flow Comprises Net Cash Flow from Operating activities and Net Cash Flow from Investing activities. Underlying adjustments exclude acquisition costs, proceeds from investment sales including Tropicana, and payments for investment and mineral interests. FY Financial year or fiscal year (1 July to 30 June) GHG Greenhouse gas Under the Australian Government National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER), greenhouse gases are the six groups of gases a reporting organisation report against, including: – Carbon dioxide – Methane – Nitrous oxide – Sulphur hexafluoride – A hydrofluorocarbon of a kind specified in the NGER regulations – A perfluorocarbon of a kind specified in the NGER regulations GJ Gigajoule GRI Global Reporting Initiative GRI’s vision is that reporting on economic, environmental, and social performance by all organisations is as routine and comparable as financial reporting. GRI accomplishes this vision by developing, continuously improving and building capacity around the use of the GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Framework. All reporting framework components are developed using a global, multi-stakeholder consensus seeking approach. GWW Great Western Woodlands ha Hectares HPI High potential incidents These incidents are classified as: – All incidents for which the worst credible potential consequence is assessed as being a serious injury (with a lost time injury of greater than two weeks), or a permanent partial disabling injury; and – Those incidents automatically defined as HPIs as per IGO’s reporting standard. These include incidents involving mobile plant and equipment, fires and explosions, falls and falling objects near people, geotechnical failures and inrush, electrical shocks, and pressure vessel failures. ICMM International Council on Mining and Metals IGO IGO Limited (the ‘Company’) IPA Indigenous Protected Area An IPA is an area of land or sea that is voluntarily declared to be a protected area by the Traditional Owners. IPAs are managed in accordance with international guidelines developed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The Australian program was established 1997 by the Australian Government. JV Joint Venture kg Kilogram kL Kilolitre KWh/t Kilowatt hour per tonne 122 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 Glossary