Sustainability Report 2021

MINERAL TITLES In FY21, IGO continued to consolidate our ground positions at our belt-scale exploration projects. IGO’s current exploration tenement holdings cover approximately 1% of Australia’s land area. Our total landholdings have increased over the last 12 months due to an increase in the East Kimberley licence packages and our improved understanding of opportunities at this project. Exploration licences again represent the majority of IGO mineral tenements. A breakdown of total landholdings is presented below: IGO LANDHOLDINGS BY MINERAL TENEMENT (HECTARES) FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 Prospecting licences 2,110 - 400 1,780 Exploration licences 3,956,420 3,088,649 1 3,992,640 1,356,880 Mining leases 10,470 4,671 4,670 36,295 Miscellaneous and other licences 8,267 4,072 4,054 752,883 Freehold 2 - - - 721 Total IGO landholdings 3 3,977,267 3,097,391 4,001,764 2,148,559 1. Figure includes the Greenland Exploration Licences, which reduced to 554,230ha in FY20. 2. Freehold land previously reported was associated with the Long Operation, which was divested on 31 May 2019. 3. Figure includes IGO managed tenure, including joint venture landholdings as at 30 June. Overview REGIONAL EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT IGO has an enduring commitment to greenfield exploration and discovery. In particular, IGO considers exploration and discovery of new clean energy metals deposits as a key driver of transformational value creation and sustainable growth for our business. Our exploration and development strategy mirrors our broader corporate strategy by focusing on identifying new, high-value nickel, copper and lithium deposits across our broad and highly prospective portfolio. Our strategy is highly disciplined and backed by the best science to maximise opportunities for success and value generation for our shareholders. Our commitment to exploration over many years has allowed us to build an exceptional portfolio of belt-scale projects and, importantly, a world-class exploration team. We are excited about the prospectivity of this portfolio. Our team, which has been strengthened over the course of FY21, comprises passionate and highly talented geologists, geochemists and geophysicists, strongly supported by a logistics and field services team. In FY21, our portfolio encompassed nearly 40,765km 2 of granted tenure over projects across Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia and Greenland. Our primary focus was on the Fraser Range and Paterson projects which we prioritised based on the prospectivity and potential value a discovery will deliver to IGO. Fraser Range exploration project, Western Australia 12 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021