Sustainability Report 2021

Mentoring our Future Leaders The IGO Mentoring Program was launched for a third time in FY21 and received a record number of applicants. This year, in May, 23 pairs began their journey to further develop their capabilities and connections across the business. At an organisational level, this program is designed to support our other leadership programs which focuses on facilitating cross-functional learning in the organisation. It aims to: • develop and support employees through career guidance by sharing individual mentor/mentee experiences and promoting capability growth • promote and develop leadership behaviours aligned with the IGO-wide Leadership framework • provide another opportunity to support mental health and wellbeing; and • build our culture by connecting and expanding internal networks with mentor/mentee relationships outside their disciplines. The mentoring program is a structured six-month program, delivered by the leaders of our business in partnership with Metisphere and open to all employees. Graduate and Vacation Programs A key area of strength for developing the leaders of the future, the 2021 Graduate Program has 23 first-, second- and third-year graduates across a range of disciplines. Our program offers university graduates a two- to three-year structured program commencing in January each year, which aims to support them in their transition from study to career. Year-on-year the number of applications we receive for our program has grown, a testament to the industry leading program we offer graduates in the mining industry and ultimately the success of our current and former graduates. This year the succession plan for our graduates saw seven graduates complete the program and move on to full time roles at IGO. These opportunities for graduates continue to foster career growth, building a pipeline of leaders who will make a strong contribution to the mining industry and our business. In FY21, as part of the integrated learning activities to develop them, our graduates were offered a unique opportunity to come together with high school students from Norseman District High School and participate in a hands-on learning initiative with the CoRE Learning Foundation. The aim of the program was to have graduate’s mentor younger students and share their working experience and expertise, giving the students an insight into real-world learning that is applicable to future job and career opportunities. Through the year we also welcomed 11 vacation students into our 12-week Vacation Program in various disciplines across the business. IGO’s summer Vacation Program allows students to apply the ideas and principles they have acquired through their study directly into real-world situations giving them practical experience in their chosen discipline, along with the camaraderie and fun of working with a number of other vacation students through the summer. For some, this experience continued post program with the opportunity to continue working with us after the program ended. The Next Generation of IGO Employees Throughout FY21, IGO has maintained an active involvement in several programs to support our future workforce requirements, through pre- career and entry level pathway programs that encourage students to be aware of all opportunities within the global mining industry and to see IGO as a valuable addition to their career profile. These programs included: • two co-sponsored WA Mining Club scholarships, for Geology and Indigenous students, with mentoring and vacation work for these students • Women in Mining WA mentoring program participation and networking events • participation with various professional associations including AusIMM, AMEC and the WA Mining Club • support for tertiary and vocational institutions including WA School of Mines, Curtin University, University of WA, TAFE WA and some primary and secondary schools in our catchment areas (including a work experience program at our Nova Operation for year 10 Esperance Senior High School students); and • partnering with the CoRE Learning Foundation to provide Graduates and students with meaningful career development. Case Study: A unique development program for our people Pauline Ring started with IGO as a Planning Engineer in October 2016, not long after the first stope came into production at our Nova Operation. She has since progressed her career to be the inaugural participant in the IGO Practical MBA Program. Pauline has demonstrated consistent technical performance, is driven and highly motivated and was identified early in her time with IGO as a future leader. She quickly moved into a Senior Planning Engineer role, then Planning Superintendent and finally became the Production Superintendent at Nova before being selected on the program in early 2021. In 2020, Pauline also won the Leadership Award in the annual IGO Making a Difference Awards recognition program. The Practical MBA Program offers a multi-disciplinary approach to learning with workplace rotations, study or both. Pauline has enjoyed her first placement in the Corporate Development team and chose to undertake her MBA at the University of Western Australia (UWA). Pauline says, ‘The Practical MBA program itself has been so much more than just work experience. My first rotation was in Corporate Development, and I was immediately welcomed into a team who were incredibly generous in sharing their knowledge and experience - and in a time when we were executing ~A$3b worth of transactions! The experience of undertaking an MBA at UWA and being able to apply the theory in a practical and meaningful way is such a unique and invaluable experience that IGO is offering. It has been such an eye-opening experience so far - in the time that I have been on the program, I already feel like I am developing a more rounded experience base which will allow me to not only contribute more broadly to our business, but also supports both my professional and personal growth.’ IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 33