Sustainability Report 2021

Case Study: Recognising the value of our people Scott Lawson began work with IGO two years ago as a Cataloguing Assistant and it was not long before he was recognised as a strong role model and offered the role of Field Assistant, and later promoted to Senior Field Assistant in 2020. In 2021, Scott was awarded the Spirit Award in the annual IGO Making a Difference Awards for his outstanding contribution to the culture of IGO. In this year’s awards, Scott received multiple nominations, and as the winner in the Spirit Award category, he was recognised for creating or sustaining the spirit of the IGO way. Scott, a well-respected and loyal member of the IGO team, embodies the IGO values and considers those he works with as family. He regularly mentors team members and provides them with training and mentorship and genuinely believes that IGO provides an environment which promotes the same feelings of family and home life – a caring, safe, motivational workspace where great people can have fun and enjoy their job while caring for themselves, their team, the community, and the environment. After having worked in the corporate sector for a number of years, Scott has found the advancement opportunities and recognition that he has received at IGO is not something he has previously had at other organisations. While humbled and honoured about being recognised by his peers, Scott gains immense satisfaction in embodying the values of IGO and creating a positive impact to the organisation while enriching other employees’ experiences at IGO. After winning the Spirit award, Scott said, ‘I truly love being at IGO. It’s not work, it’s where I do my job, catch up with my other family and get paid to do it. I have never experienced, or could have imagined, working for such a truly fantastic company.’ Sam Retallack , Head of People and Culture – IMARC. Ian Sandl , General Manager Exploration – Judging Panel for the AMEC Prospector of the Year Award and Head Panel for Explore SA: The Gawler Challenge. OUR CONTINUED RESPONSE TO COVID-19 The COVID-19 global pandemic has resulted in unprecedented changes to the daily lives of people around the world. At IGO, the health and safety of our people, their families, and the communities in which we operate continues to remain our highest priority. The mining industry is playing an important role in providing economic stability for Western Australia and the nation during this COVID-19 crisis. Our role and responsibility, both as a Company and as individuals, is to continue to protect our people and the broader community while supporting the economy. Over the past year, there have been many lessons learnt in managing the virus and the multidisciplinary emergency response team continued to react swiftly to the changing nature of the pandemic and manage its impact. Continuing to keep our people safe Throughout the ongoing crisis, the welfare of our people remains our highest priority. We acknowledge that the continuing uncertainty is stressful, and we continue to offer a range of measures to support our people and their families to ensure we are staying connected. Some of the key protective and supportive measures we continue to employ are: • operational changes to enable physical distancing and remote working • the use of face masks wherever practical (as required) • site travel restrictions and health screenings • active control of those who enter our workplace • specific mental health support through expanded employee assistance programs • the continuation of the Health and Wellbeing Hotline and the COVID-19 Information Hub • continuation of the COVID-19 Leave category; and • strong communication between leaders and their teams to assist with team morale, connection and engagement within the business. Protecting and supporting our communities IGO continues to focus on minimising the risk to the health of the broader community. Our Nova Operation and exploration activities around Nova and the Fraser Range continued under COVID-19 protocols, which ensured we protected the health of these remote communities. The Community Fund provided in FY21 for the Shire of Esperance and the Shire of Dundas provided economic relief to these communities and continues to do so into FY22. IGO will continue to swiftly and proactively implement measures to change the way we operate our business to ensure the health and safety of our people and our communities in response to the changing community risk profile and government directives. We remain vigilant to the risks to our people, operations and communities and will continue to monitor the impacts of the pandemic on our people and their families. Our response to the pandemic continues to be effective and has been delivered with the ongoing support and cooperation by our people. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 37