Sustainability Report 2021

At a Glance REVIEW OF OUR SYSTEMS AND CULTURE In FY21, we engaged an Australian independent consultancy, to co-create a robust business safety and wellbeing strategy and enhance our improvement plans to further refine our safety philosophy. At our Nova Operation, we conducted extensive employee investigations through a process of interviewing a broad selection of employees (75 in total) to gain understanding in: • stakeholder perspectives of the current approach to work management • progress of any existing improvement programs; and • stakeholder perspectives of key improvement opportunities. This program of work produced insights through the delivery of a strategy map and program of works outline which have been included in the Nova Safety Improvement Plan and Strategy. Within Exploration and Corporate, independent consultants assisted in reviewing and advising us about our safety and wellbeing strategies and improvement plans. The outcomes of these works enabled us to enhance our strategies and plans and to develop a coordinated approach to improving our systems, capabilities and culture. EMPLOYEE SAFETY FY21 saw a significant improvement in safety outcomes. Although we have improved, we are on a journey and believe that our performance must and will improve further MANAGING RISK continued to be a key focus in FY21 with new Safety Critical Risk processes implemented in our operations 1 Serious Potential Incident (SPI), down from 2 in FY20 11 High Potential Incidents (HPI), down from 24 in FY20 13.2 22% vs FY20 IGO’s Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR), down from 16.9 in FY20 IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 39