Sustainability Report 2021

MEASURING OUR PERFORMANCE Sustainability Indicators & Targets Progress FY21 FY20 Read More Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) Target : year-on-year improvement TRIFR FY21 = 13.2 (down from 16.9 in FY20) Page 101 Employee perceptions on safety and wellbeing. Target : Improve or maintain our year-on-year score, determined in our annual employee engagement survey Safety: care outside the team 1 = 5% improvement in FY21 Safety: care inside the team 1 = 2% improvement in FY21 Page 41 Corrective actions – ensure we are continuously learning, improving and implementing effective corrective actions for our safety and wellbeing risks. Ensure focus remains on closing out improvements and corrective actions. Target : Close out >90% of corrective actions FY21 = 92% of corrective actions closed, with learnings and improvements implemented Page 40 Safety Programs of Work – ensure we are striving to identify and implement safety and wellbeing improvement activities through a robust program of work. Target : Complete at least 90% of intended safety and wellbeing planned activities across the business Nova Operation = 90% of safety Programs of Work implemented in FY21 Exploration = 80% of safety Programs of Work implemented in FY21 Page 40 Critical risks – ensure we understand and effectively manage the critical risks to our people and our business Nova Operation = 95% of planned critical risk activities completed in FY21 Exploration = 82% of planned critical risk activities completed in FY21 Page 41 Target met/acceptable performance Target on track/adequate performance Target not met/we need to do better New target 1. Safety: Care inside the team relates to employee feedback on their perceptions about safety in their direct team, equipment and workplaces. Safety: Care outside the team relates to employee feedback on their perceptions about overall organisational safety priorities, processes, support and leadership. Safety & Wellbeing IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF OUR SAFETY PROGRAMS OF WORK In a year of building and consolidation, our business strengthened our FY20 Safety Improvement Plans and engaged considerable effort in improving the skills and knowledge of our people and in the understanding and management of our safety critical risks. IGO’s Safety Steering Committee, which is comprised of representatives of IGO’s Executive Leadership Team, our operations general managers, and our senior safety professionals, continued to focus efforts on the development and execution of the organisations Safety Improvement Plan and provided an oversight of the operational Safety Improvement Plan execution. Building on the program of work conducted with an independent consultant and on our existing Safety Programs of Work, we further refined our strategy and plans in four key areas: • Leadership • Management Systems • Safety Critical Risks; and • Organisational Learning. Leadership IGO’s primary safety and wellbeing objective of caring about our people and keeping each other safe and healthy requires robust processes and a team continuously seeking to understand the risks in our business and improve on our performance. Cultivating and maintaining safety across the organisation requires strong leadership capabilities, an engaged and aligned workforce and open communication to ensure the flow of critical information on risks is shared across the organisation. In FY21, in addition to our work on systems and culture, we introduced a facilitated field coaching program at our Nova Operation to improve field safety leadership knowledge and skills. The program was designed to provide practical insights on effective communication and engagement and provide tangible feedback that the participants could continue to focus on in their daily workplace interactions. 40 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021