Sustainability Report 2021

We will continue to develop and plan activities to improve our safety, communications and leadership as we move into FY22. Management Systems Our internal policy and standards set clear expectations for our leaders in relation to our safety management system and its implementation. The focus for FY21 was to continue to review and improve our company-wide and corporate processes and plans to ensure they are clear, concise and reflect work as it is done. This process will endeavour to: • consolidate and simplify all Group Safety Standards to a single management standard • implement management standards through gap analysis connected to the IGO internal audit program; and • determine company-wide supporting processes, guidelines and templates required to assist effective implementation and embedding of the management standards. Safety Critical Risks This year, we have been able to better understand our current position and further develop our safety and wellbeing strategies in each part of our business. This has provided us with insights and actions to assist with Safety Improvement Plan upgrades. Our ongoing work managing Safety Critical Risk in our businesses has resulted in risk review workshops and the development of Safety Critical Risk checklists, verification checks and effectiveness reviews. The Safety Critical Risk program is ongoing and is planned to generate lead indicators for safety effort across the business. Organisational Learning In our drive to maintain a safe workplace we look to ensure that we actively share incidents, issue insights and ideas with each other. Our focus in FY21 and into FY22, is to improve on existing and develop new processes in the organisation where we can learn from incidents, further develop effective communication processes, gain a better understanding of our safety improvement and recognition of our progress and achievements. In FY21 we built on our IGO Safety and Wellbeing Steering Committee’s Charter to ensure management focus and attention of our improvement programs and our performance measures. The Committee continues to work on identification and implementation of leading indicators of our safety and wellbeing performance as well as opportunities to recognise achievements within the business and celebrating success. This year saw considerable activity in the areas of training in incident investigation skills, with 85 additional team members trained in incident investigation techniques. Our incident investigation approach is to learn and understand in order to prevent recurrence and to then share these learnings across the team to gain maximum benefit for all. EMPLOYEE SAFETY AND WELLBEING ENGAGEMENT In FY21, we completed our fifth Employee Engagement Survey to gain feedback and insights into different areas across the business, including our safety and wellbeing culture. The survey results allow us to look at trends over the years, benchmark against similar organisations and assists in identifying our strengths, as well as focus areas for future planning. Overall, the results in the care for employee safety and wellbeing sections were strong compared to both the external benchmark and the FY20 survey. Of the 17 safety related questions in the survey within the individuals’ team and external to the individuals’ team, all were rated either equal to FY20 responses (5 were equal to FY20), or better (12 were better than FY20) indicating our people’s strong engagement and alignment with our safety values and processes. Particularly pleasing were responses such as: • workplace safety and security are considered important here – 96% of respondents strongly agreed – a small increase on FY20 • if I believe the job is unsafe, I am empowered to stop the job – 97% of respondents strongly agreed – the same result as FY20; and • I feel safe performing my duties – 95% of respondents strongly agreed – an increase of 8% from FY20. HEALTH AND WELLBEING Our Health and Wellbeing program is based on three fundamental pillars: supporting our people’s physical health and wellbeing, their mental and psychological health and wellbeing, and their knowledge and capabilities in financial health and wellbeing. Physical Wellbeing Every year, each operational area completes a Job Role Profile in order to better ascertain the physical demands of each standard role at IGO. The Job Profiles are then used in pre- employment screening of job candidates and allow us to identify suitable duties for returning our people to the workplace following an injury or illness. The Job Role Profiles were developed through on-site assessment of the physical demands of each standard role and documented specific profiles for each role. In addition to the assessment of roles, we then used this information to develop tailored pre-employment medical assessments based on the job specific requirements. These risk-based pre-employment medical assessment protocols are used to improve our understanding and management of risk during our recruitment and engagement processes for new employees. FY21 also saw our Health and Wellbeing team implement a new enterprise electronic management system to track and manage health data, streamlining and standardising our collection of our people’s information allowing for quick access for speedy assessment, treatment and a consistent high standard of medical support. A major office refit is currently underway for the South Perth office, and this has been used as an opportunity to make ergonomic improvements for office- based staff with the planned provision for new generation workstations and office furniture. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 41