Sustainability Report 2021

As per our long-standing commitments, in FY21 we also continued to facilitate and fund training and educational programs as well as working with the Ngadju People to identify dedicated employment opportunities. Of the work contracted to third parties, the Ngadju joint venture known as CV LOMAG is one of IGO’s top ten contractors by value, supplying primary crusher and earthmoving services. We continue to support the established Ngadju Indigenous Protection Area (IPA), in which IGO assisted in establishing in FY18. The Ngadju IPA covers an area of 4.4M ha within the Ngadju Native Title Determination Area and is managed by the Ngadju Conservation Rangers based in Norseman. Cultural Heritage and Land Access We respect Aboriginal people and their connection to Country by consulting with, seeking advice from and reaching agreement with Traditional Owners of lands on which our exploration activities occur. We manage our exploration and mining operations carefully through company- wide protocols and procedures derived from heritage protection agreements developed in close consultation with our host Traditional Owner groups. Accordingly, these protocols and procedures must be adhered to prior to undertaking any land disturbance, with cultural heritage consultation and surveys completed before ground disturbing activities or clearances can occur. In FY21, IGO undertook multiple heritage surveys with the assistance of the Ngadju people across the Fraser Range South exploration project area, completing surveys covering an area of 320,243ha, including on-ground heritage surveys, monitoring activities and helicopter-based reconnaissance surveys to identify no-go areas or other areas of heritage significance. During FY21, 65 heritage sites were identified through work conducted by IGO. In relation to Fraser Range North projects, IGO engaged with Central Desert Native Title Services to progress heritage agreements and heritage surveys with the Untiri Pulka and Upurli Upurli Nguratja native title groups. Our FY21 exploration activities and heritage survey plans for the Kimberley, Paterson and Lake Mackay Projects in Central Australia were impacted during the reporting period with the temporary government-mandated lockdowns due to COVID-19 restrictions. Notwithstanding this, a Kimberley Heritage Agreement was successfully negotiated with the Kimberley Land Council (KLC) that resulted in executed agreements with the Bunuba and Wanjina-Wunggurr Wilinggin Native Title holders, with the remaining native title parties represented by the KLC to follow. In relation to the Paterson Project, IGO is working closely with the Martu People and their representatives, Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation, to ensure our broad-scale exploration program operates in accordance with agreed heritage protocols. The identification and preservation of Aboriginal heritage is fundamental to IGO’s approach to operating sustainably and our commitment to developing and maintaining strong relations with Traditional Owners on whose Country we operate. Notably, in FY21 IGO sought no Section 18 clearances through the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1978 (WA), which is a requirement for land users seeking ministerial consent in Western Australia to disturb Aboriginal sites of significance. IGO have no Section 18 clearances across the business. Cultural Awareness and Training IGO is committed to promoting Aboriginal cultural heritage protection and cultural awareness throughout our organisation in conjunction with the Traditional Owners on whose land we operate. IGO’s ongoing commitment to preserving Aboriginal heritage and promoting Aboriginal culture is reflected in active and constructive engagement with Traditional Owners on the ground and in our developing understanding through cross-cultural awareness training. Cross-cultural awareness training conducted by Ngadju Elders is undertaken on Ngadju Country, at the Nova Operation. This training occurs monthly and targets all IGO people working on Ngadju Country. This training also extends to our broader exploration team, IGO ELT and the Board. Both IGO and the Ngadju People are committed to providing IGO people with a sound knowledge and awareness of the Ngadju’s history, culture and commitment to Country. Our people undertake cultural awareness training in our other areas of exploration activity across Australia with host Traditional Owners groups, and regularly attend Traditional Owner on-Country meetings, events, and cultural practices such as smoking ceremonies for those working on-Country. Heritage survey for ground disturbance activities, including drilling, on our Paterson exploration tenements, undertaken with the Martu People. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 47