Sustainability Report 2021

Reducing Our Total Carbon Footprint We aspire to be carbon neutral across our direct operations and activities by 2035, if not sooner. However, our pathway to carbon neutrality needs to incorporate all aspects of our business and value chain, essentially targeting our ‘total carbon footprint.’ We recognise as a Company we have a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as quickly as possible across our total carbon footprint. We acknowledge we must improve our understanding of supply chain emissions and target emissions reduction activities broader than our direct Scope 1 and 2 emissions. During FY21, we have completed a detailed program of work aimed at accelerating our response towards carbon neutrality across our total carbon footprint. The key elements to this commitment include: • implementing our internal carbon price to allocate funds to deploy to reduce our carbon footprint • executing our emissions reduction programs across our business • improving our understanding of our carbon footprint including Scope 3; and • developing a carbon offset and removal portfolio of projects. We aspire to being carbon neutral across our direct operations and activities by 2035, if not sooner. Acceleration of Our Response to Climate Change CO 2 Improved understanding of our total carbon footprint 1 Emissions reduction programs across our business 2 Internal carbon price 3 Carbon removal and offsets strategy 4 Improved Understanding of Our Total Carbon Footprint IGO's Kimberley exploration project Our Response to Climate Change 58 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021