Sustainability Report 2021

Our Carbon Footprint We recognise the importance of reporting and taking action to reduce GHG on more than Scope 1 and 2 emissions. This is why we consider our ‘total carbon footprint’ which include Scope 1 emissions, Scope 2 emissions, elements of Scope 3 emissions on which we have capacity to influence or an element of financial control, and other emissions that are not captured in the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER), such as the emissions associated with land clearing. These elements form our total carbon footprint, shown in the graphic below. Scope 1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions from facilities owned or controlled by IGO, including fuel use, on-site electricity generation, anode and reductant use, process emissions and land management. Scope 2: Greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of electricity, heat or steam brought in from third parties. Scope 3: Greenhouse gas emissions are all other indirect emissions (not included in Scope 2) that occur in IGO’s value chain, primarily emissions resulting from our customers using the concentrate and products we sell, as well as upstream emissions associated with the extraction, production and transportation of the goods, services, fuels and energy we generate and purchase for use at our operations; emissions resulting from the transportation and distribution of our products; and operational emissions (on an equity basis) from our non-operated joint ventures. Scope 3 influence: We recognise that we do not have comprehensive oversight or understanding of our total Scope 3 emissions and value chain. We therefore identify and differentiate those Scope 3 emissions of which we have influence. These include selected upstream emissions (employee commuting and transport of inputs), downstream emissions (concentrate transportation and shipment) and operational emissions (on an equity basis) from our non- operated joint ventures. In FY22, we have commitments to further understand our Scope 3 emissions and expand the categories included in our ‘Scope 3 influence’ definition. SCOPE 1 SCOPE 3 (INFLUENCE) OTHER SCOPE 2 Employee commuting Roads to port (or customer) Transport of inputs Shipping of concentrate Land clearing Other joint ventures (indirect or direct) Purchased electricty Onsite power generation Mining Processing IGO'S TOTAL CARBON FOOTPRINT IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 59