Sustainability Report 2021

OUR CURRENT CARBON FOOTPRINT The table below outlines our total carbon footprint and emissions profile for FY21. Our total carbon footprint has been defined on page 59 above. We release GHG emissions through the combustion of fuels to power our mining operation and in processes used to produce nickel and copper concentrates. We also contribute to GHG emissions indirectly through our supply chain (Scope 3 emissions, including our joint venture partners). Electricity generation at our Nova Operation contributes 83% of our total Scope 1 emissions profile, with the remaining Scope 1 emissions largely associated with diesel combustion engines used in mine mobile plant such as trucks and earthmoving machinery. Scope 2 emissions are associated with the purchasing of electricity for our exploration sheds and corporate office. Total reportable Scope 1 and 2 emissions for all IGO-operated facilities (financial control basis) were 63,337t CO 2 -e in FY21. This was a 1% decrease on the previous financial year. Our energy consumption across IGO operated facilities was 1,248,384GJ, also a 1% decrease on FY20. We expected a greater decrease in GHG emissions, and hence a greater increase in renewable inputs, in FY21 from the FY20 baseline, as the Nova Operation solar farm was operational for a full 12 months. However, there have been issues with solar optimisation and underperformance due to an inverter failure. These issues will be prioritised in FY22 to ensure we can achieve optimal output and the associated emission reductions. Solar optimisation is a program of work identified in the emissions reduction roadmap on page 61. IGO’S TOTAL CARBON FOOTPRINT (t CO 2 -e) FY21 FY20 Scope 1 63,337 63,536 1 Scope 2 138 173 Scope 3 2 18,209 31,245 JV Partners Not available 3 91,839 4 Emissions from land clearing 1,106 3,250 1. The FY20 Scope 1 emissions changed slightly from what was reported in the 2020 Sustainability Report (63,179t CO 2 -e), due to updated guidance received by the Clean Energy Regulator after the public release of the report. 2. Scope 3 emissions include upstream emissions (employee commuting) and downstream emissions (transportation of IGO concentrate, including trucking, shipments and loading and unloading at respective ports). Scope 3 emissions have been calculated using methodologies consistent with the GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. 3. As the Tianqi Lithium Corporation transaction settled on 30 June 2021, this Report does not report on emissions data from these operations. However, we will report on this joint venture in future reports. 4. Represents IGO’s 30% interest in the Tropicana Gold Mine in FY20. This was not disclosed in the FY20 Sustainability Report as data from our Joint Venture partner was not available. SCOPE 1 & 2 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (t CO 2 -e) 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 Scope 1 Scope 2 FY21 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Our Response to Climate Change 60 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021