Sustainability Report 2021

causes sedimentation and pollution of water bodies. Smaller fragments of remnant vegetation are also particularly vulnerable to invasive species and fire. This impact is compounded by the legacy of extensive historical clearing across Australia. Given this, IGO is committed to the progressive rehabilitation of its mine sites and exploration areas. In line with our environmental policy, we will progressively rehabilitate the areas we disturb. The aim of rehabilitation is to return disturbed land to a safe, stable, non-polluting/non-contaminating landform in an ecologically sustainable manner that is productive and/or self-sustaining. However, we know we must do more to realise this commitment and acknowledge we have not been successful to date. Fulfilling our progressive rehabilitation obligations is particularly challenging for our exploration team, given the size of our projects and the large number of tenements that are actively managed. During FY21, IGO was subject to a penalty from the Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety in relation to our non-compliance of rehabilitation commitments identified in FY20 at our Fraser Range exploration project. Significant programs of work have been implemented to address this poor performance, with details disclosed in the following case study. Similarly, the growing backlog of land requiring rehabilitation represented a financial liability for IGO and our exploration teams. Consequently, IGO has significantly progressed works to establish an improved business process to formally track and report on IGO’s exploration rehabilitation works, both pending and completed. We have implemented a rehabilitation plan, approved by the regulator (Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety), and completed an extensive campaign, completing 687ha of progressive rehabilitation in FY21. Environmental impact assessments To minimise and manage the impact of our activities, we proactively complete environmental and social impact assessments, in line with our Group Environmental Standard 2. We then actively plan work in consultation with other landowners (e.g., Traditional Owners and pastoralists) about the flora and fauna likely to be affected, the potential for the accidental introduction of pest species, the potential for soil disturbance, and prompt remediation once access is no longer required. During FY21, IGO completed environmental impact assessments (EIA) for the Kimberley, Paterson and Fraser Range North exploration projects. A large-scale EIA across all Fraser Range exploration activities was completed in FY20. The outcomes of the EIA provided IGO with a framework and process that enables us to properly assess and manage the risks associated with our exploration activities. It has been adopted as an ongoing management tool for assessing, managing, and mitigating our impacts, particularly with regard to land clearing and rehabilitation. Case Study: Exploration Progressive Rehabilitation In FY20, IGO disclosed a non- compliance in relation to our progressive rehabilitation obligations on several exploration tenements. A government audit determined that IGO had failed to complete rehabilitation works within six months of the completion of ground-disturbing activities or, alternatively, to have sought and been granted an extension of time to complete the rehabilitation activities in line with the conditions of our exploration licences. We were disappointed in these outcomes and the deficiencies identified in our internal systems and significant programs of work have been undertaken to improve our business processes. During FY21, IGO’s exploration team completed 687ha of rehabilitation, approximately five times the amount of clearing that occurred in that financial year (136ha of exploration clearing during FY21). As of 31 December 2020, all the required rehabilitation had been undertaken, or the necessary extensions had been received from the relevant government departments across the tenure portfolio. Our improved business processes have included: • dedicated resources to the Exploration team, responsible for managing land clearing and rehabilitation activities • improvements in the management of IGO’s rehabilitation obligations • the more effective capture of land clearing and rehabilitation data; and • the introduction of an assurance process to review the status of our rehabilitation obligations. IGO LAND DISTURBANCE AND REHABILITATION Land disturbance (ha) Rehabilitation (ha) FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 139 687 122 577 817 5 90 41 387 171 IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 75