Sustainability Report 2021

Board Succession During FY21, the following Director movements were noted: • Neil Warburton retired from the Board during October 2020 • Xiaoping Yang was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director during December 2020. Xiaoping’s appointment is consistent with IGO’s commitment to promote diversity across our business and has increased female representation on the Board to 37.5% • Michael Nossal was appointed as an Non-executive Director during December 2020 and transitioned into the role of Chair on 1 July 2021; and • Peter Bilbe will retire from the Board at the Annual General Meeting later this year. Executive Leadership Team The Board delegate responsibility for the day-to-day operations and administration of the Company to the Managing Director & CEO, Mr Peter Bradford, who is supported by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Together they are responsible for IGO’s business processes and sustainability performance. The composition and roles and responsibilities of the ELT are presented in IGO’s 2021 Annual Report. The responsibility of sustainability across the IGO seven pillars are assigned to various members of the ELT, including: • Our People – Head of People & Culture • Safety and Wellbeing – Chief Operating Officer • Communities and Traditional Owners – Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Affairs and General Counsel and Head of Risk & Compliance • Our Response to Climate Change – Chief Operating Officer • Environment – Chief Operating Officer • Business Integrity – all members of the ELT • Our Financial Contributions – Chief Financial Officer All IGO employees are accountable for contributing to the creation of value and enhancing our sustainability within their area of responsibility. IGO’s remuneration arrangements, including incentive payments, are variously applied to all IGO employees. The Managing Director and CEO’s performance is measured against metrics relating to financial and operational performance, the execution of our growth strategy and the sustainability of our performance. Remuneration arrangements for the ELT are comprehensively described in IGO’s 2021 Annual Report. IGO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IGO maintains a documented management system based on AS/NZS ISO standards. Our system is informed by a hierarchy of processes. This hierarchy starts with our purpose and values. These in turn give rise to our strategy, Code of Conduct and operating policies. These high-level documents inform our Common Management Systems Standards (i.e., the prescription for the fundamental high-level business processes within IGO). In turn, these standards give rise to functional standards (e.g., safety, financial, information technology). Finally, it is these functional standards that inform the specific guidance on how work is to be planned and executed through procedures and safe work instructions. As the Company has grown, so has the IGO Management System. During FY22, we are committed to restructuring the IGO Common Management System Standards to ensure that these are aligned with the culture of the Company. At its heart, IGO’s management system is structured to drive continual improvement prioritised on the basis of risk. Conformance with our management system IGO has two well-established assurance processes to ensure the ongoing integrity of our systems: IGO’s corporate assurance program and IGO’s whistleblower process. IGO’S BOARD SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Membership Role Key Accountabilities Keith Spence (Chair) Michael Nossal Xiaoping Yang To assist the Board in meeting its oversight responsibilities in relation to the Company’s sustainability policies and practices. • Monitoring relevant changes in legislation and corporate governance in relation to sustainability reporting • Reviewing the Company’s environmental, health and safety performance as well as community relations • Consideration of heritage and land access matters affecting the Company • Consideration of climate change risk and opportunities relevant to IGO • Reviewing and recommending to the Board the approval of Company’s Sustainability Report. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 85