Sustainability Report 2021

IGO’s Nova Operation received six notices (five improvement notices and one prohibition notice) from DMIRS during the financial year. The five improvement notices related to storage of explosive equipment on an explosive charging vehicle, underground ventilation and scaffold standards, the securing of lifebuoy rings at the TSF, minor defects with the aerodrome apron and runway and fibrecrete thickness testing. These improvement notices were immediately addressed and communicated to DMIRS. The prohibition notice was related to a potentially ineffective installation of a resin bolt support underground, as the resin was out of date. This was immediately amended and communicated. RISK MANAGEMENT We safeguard our people, assets, legal position, reputation, and the environment by understanding and managing risk, as well as ensuring we identify opportunities to best serve the long- term interests of all our stakeholders. Risk management at IGO is overseen by the Board through the Audit & Risk Committee. The Committee operates in accordance with an approved Charter and assists the Board with overseeing and monitoring the Company’s Risk Management System. It should be noted that specific elements of sustainability risk management are separately monitored and reviewed by our Sustainability Committee. A description of our risk management system (inclusive of IGO’s Risk Appetite Statement) is provided in IGO’s Common Management System Standard 3 – Risk Management. The system is intended to address risks that may: • affect the health, safety or welfare of our employees, contractors, and visitors to our operations • impact on the community and the environment in which the Company operates • impede the Company from realising its purpose and delivering its strategic plan • impact on the Company’s performance • impact on insurance arrangements • threaten compliance with the Company’s statutory obligations and commitments • impact on the Company’s reputation, or that of its people; and • result in personal liability for Company Officers arising from the Company’s operations. An effective Risk Appetite Statement is a critical component of an effective risk management and governance framework. This is a key enabler to drive performance and empower our people to make timely decisions. Specifically, the Risk Appetite Statement defines the amount of risk exposure (or potential adverse impact from an event) IGO is willing to accept to fulfill its purpose and strategy. IGO’s Risk Appetite Statement sets clear boundaries that assist risk owners to prioritise and deploy resources in the pursuit of IGO’s purpose and strategy, while not exceeding the prescribed level. During FY21, IGO refined our Risk Appetite Statement to ensure it accurately reflects our acceptance of risk. IGO’s Risk Management Process is based on a three-level hierarchy, as depicted by the graphic below. External factors and risks affecting IGO are discussed in the 2021 Annual Report. RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAINS Our supply chain partners are crucial to IGO’s success. Our approach to responsible sourcing is aligned to our purpose and strategy – ensuring the quality products we supply are made safely, ethically, sustainably and reliably. This extends further than our immediate operations and activities. The changing sentiment of conscious consumers choosing ‘responsible’ brands and sustainably produced products is driving companies to consider their supply value chain by ensuring responsible production and having a clear oversight of their product end use. In line with our Code of Conduct, we expect all suppliers to maintain the highest standard of ethical behaviour in business dealings. We seek to engage like-minded suppliers and business partners who are committed to, at a minimum, operating in a safe, lawful and competitive manner. We expect our suppliers to work in accordance with IGO policies, standards and key principles, as defined in the Code of Conduct and Common Management System Standard 9 – Contractor Management and Procurement. These specifically include: • conduct business ethically and with integrity • protect health and safety • maintain high environmental standards and protect our environment • respect human rights; and • create shared value with society and communities. IGO’s supplier evaluation model defines the minimum sustainability requirements, acting as a methodology to ensure we prioritise ethical decision making when selecting and managing the suppliers we work with, as well as upholding fundamental human rights through our supply chain. We focus on sourcing individuals and organisations with shared values and consider macro-economic factors in our risk assessments that may impact goods and services. Personal Risk Management Risks that are focused solely on the safety of individuals in the workplace Operational and Project Risk Management Risks that have the potential to materially impact individual sites or projects Business Critical Risk Management Risks that have the potential to materially impact our business IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 87