Sustainability Report 2021

Further information about our FY21 financial performance is detailed in the 2021 Annual Report. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTIONS Local communities and host governments rightly expect mining to bring significant economic benefits, and our goal is to leave host communities in a better economic and social position than when we arrived. Acting in an ethical, responsible, and transparent manner is fundamental to the way we conduct our business, in accordance with our values. We support economic development in the communities in which we operate by seeking to invest first locally, then regionally within Western Australia, then nationally and finally internationally. IGO’s economic contributions can be measured by the dividends we pay, salaries and other employment benefits we provide to our employees, the money we spend on contractors and consultants, taxes and royalties paid, and payments made through our Corporate Giving activities. Our direct economic impact is largely centred in Western Australia. Where possible, we buy goods and services locally. At the Nova Operation, the highest value contracts are for underground mining services, fuel, drilling services, haulage, binding agents for backfill and catering services. In FY21, our direct economic contribution comprised: • A$136.6M in payments to employees in salaries and wages, payables to governments in taxes, state royalties and other government payments, returns to shareholders, total payments to Ngadju people and Corporate Giving contributions • A$256.1M of payments to suppliers for goods and services; and • A$103.2M reinvested into capital expenses, such as plant and equipment, mine properties and tenement acquisitions. During the year we released our Tax Transparency Report for the FY20 period, including detail on our approach to tax strategy and governance, effective tax rates and tax contribution summaries. The report adopts the Australian Government Voluntary Tax Transparency Code guidelines, as required for large- and medium-sized businesses to publicly disclose tax information. As of FY20, IGO is categorised as a large-sized business due to its aggregated turnover of greater than A$500M. Our FY21 Tax Transparency Report will be published in November 2021 and made available on our website. The broad economic impacts of IGO’s activities associated with the Nova Operation continue to be significant and in line with those detailed in the 2019 social impact assessment work. Projects like the Nova Operation make a significant contribution to improved regional infrastructure, business diversification and regional development and can be a catalyst that supports new businesses to the benefit of third-party users. With a value of production in 2018 of A$766M, the total flow-on effect of the Nova Operation through the Western Australian economy was A$1.99B. We anticipate updating this figure as part of the next social and economic impact assessment planned in FY22. SUPPORTING LOCAL AND ABORIGINAL BUSINESSES IGO applies a preferential selection process when sourcing goods and services local to our operations. We support and favour businesses near to the areas in which we operate and actively seek to engage and build capacity where suitable works are available. Providing opportunities for Aboriginal businesses is important to IGO. Our approach is guided by our Stakeholder Policy and Group Community Standard 2 – Aboriginal Employment and Business Development to drive the creation of Aboriginal employment opportunities across our business. In FY21, our total spend on Aboriginal owned or managed businesses was A$6.2M. This was predominantly to CV LOMAG Joint Venture for primary crusher and earthmoving services at the Nova Operation. During FY21, 6.5% of our suppliers were located within our host communities of Norseman, Esperance and Kalgoorlie. This was a 1.4% increase from FY20. We spent A$16.6M on the supply of goods and services from local businesses or contractors. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 93