IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 99 98 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022 Performance Data Performance Data Our People Read more – page 37 Workforce Profile FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 Employees1 436 398 364 307 612 Contractors 305 262 379 465 366 Female employees 126 108 88 72 190 Female employees 29% 27% 24% 23% 31% Male employees 310 290 276 235 422 Male employees 71% 73% 76% 77% 69% Employee engagement – response rate 82% 79% 77% 83% 97% Employee engagement score 81%2 67% 69% 71% 55% 1. Employee count includes IGO Board members, excludes contractors and joint ventures. 2. In FY22 a new measure of engagement which excludes the advocacy question was included, as such, the way people respond to this question is very different. The legacy like for like measure is 74% in FY22 vs 67% in FY21. More information is available on page 37. Employees by Gender and Employment Type FY22 FY21 Female Male Female Male Executive management 43% 57% 37.5% 62.5% Senior management 12% 88% 15% 85% Regular employees 30% 70% 28% 72% Students - 100% 33% 67% Permanent full-time employees 23% 77% 21% 79% Permanent part-time employees 94% 6% 100% - Total permanent employees 26% 74% 26% 74% Total temporary employees1 41% 59% 32% 38% Total IGO direct employees 29% 71% 27% 73% Total IGO direct employees (count) 126 310 108 290 1. Temporary employee includes casual, fixed-term part-time and fixed-term full-time employment types. Includes NEDs and Chair. FY22 Regional Distribution ofWorkforce Location Employees Female Male Western Australia 426 124 302 Northern Territory 1 - 1 New South Wales 1 - 1 Queensland 1 - 1 Tasmania 1 - 1 South Australia 1 - 1 Victoria 4 1 3 International 1 1 - Total 436 126 310 FY22 Parental Leave Profile Employees Female Male Employees entitled to parental leave1 436 29% 71% Employees that took parental leave during FY22 19 26% 74% Employees that returned to work during FY22 after parental leave ended 16 19% 81% Employees that returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work 8 25% 75% Return to work and retention rates of employees that took parental leave 84% 60% 93% 1. Total figures include all qualifying permanent part-time and full-time employees as at 30 June 2022. Workforce Diversity FY22 FY21 Number Percentage Number Percentage Female representation of total workforce1 126 29% 108 27% Female representation in IGO senior executive 3 43% 3 37.5% Females represented by IGO Board 3 43% 3 37.5% Females represented in graduate intake 3 38% 1 33% Full-time Aboriginal employees employed 22 5% 13 3% 1. Figures include IGO direct employees only. Performance data tables for IGO Operations are included here for FY22. IGO settled the Western Areas Limited transaction on 20 June 2022, as such this Sustainability Report does not report fully on performance and data from these Operations. Included at the end of this section are key performance indicators for Western Areas in FY22. FY22 Employee Hiring Rate and Turnover Gender (%) Age groups (%) Total (%) Female Male Under 30 30-50 Over 50 Employee hiring rate1 29 71 39 42 19 30 Employee turnover2 22 78 38 44 18 21 Voluntary employee turnover rate 17 83 29 52 19 14 1. Average hiring cost in FY22 was $7,457 per hire. 2. Rolling 12-month employee turnover is 9.55%.