IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 101 100 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022 Performance Data FY22 Employee Training and Performance Reviews Gender (%) Employee category Female Male Executive Leadership Team Senior Management Mid Management / Professionals / Technical roles Operator / Trade Supervisor roles Apprentice Employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews during FY22 99% 99% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% Safety and Wellbeing Read more – page 45 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 Employees1 436 398 395 307 6122 Contractors 305 262 379 465 366 Fatalities from safety incidents - - 1 - - Fatalities from health incidents - - - - - Value of fines and prosecutions - safety ($) - - - - - Total reportable injuries 20 19 27 14 34 Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) (per 1,000,000 hours worked) 14.1 13.2 16.9 9.6 15.8 Number of lost time injuries 1 2 9 2 5 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) (per 1,000,000 hours worked) 0.7 1.4 5.8 1.4 2.4 Restricted Work Injury (RWI) 19 17 18 12 29 Medically Treated Injury (MTI) 6 6 6 3 7 Total High Potential Incidents (HPI) 3 11 24 9 42 Total Serious Potential Incidents (SPI) 3 1 23 5 13 Serious Potential Incidents Frequency Rate (SPIFR) (per 1,000,000 hours worked) 2.1 0.7 1.3 3.4 5.7 Open workers compensation claims as of 30 June 2022 12 6 10 10 9 New workers compensation claims during financial year 13 5 7 10 22 Total IGO workers compensation claims 11 6 10 15 34 Total recordable cases work-related ill health 3 6 5 - - 1. Employee count includes IGO Board members. Excludes contractors and joint ventures. 2. Figure includes employee count at Jaguar and Long operations. 3. Total serious potential incidents (SPI) was incorrectly reported in FY20, this has been amended in this report. FY22 Safety Profile SPIs LTIs RWIs MTIs First aid treatment injuries Total (excluding workers' compensation claims) Newworkers' compensation claims Nova Operation 3 - 15 6 57 78 8 Exploration activities - 1 4 - 10 15 3 Corporate office - - - - - - - Total 3 1 19 6 67 93 11 Traditional Owners and Communities Read more – page 51 FY22 FY21 FY20 Payments to Ngadju people2 ($M) 6.5 4.7 4.5 Cultural heritage surveys (ha) 44,0423 320,243 232,360 Cultural heritage sites identified and managed 649 654 264 Corporate giving contributions ($M) 0.7 0.91 0.6 1. Includes a one-off payment in FY21 to the Norseman and Esperance communities. 2. Includes production royalty payments. 3. Includes those cultural heritage sites or places identified during IGO cultural heritage surveys and Aboriginal Sites, or other Heritage Places on the Aboriginal Heritage Inquiry System (AHIS) maintained by the Western Australian Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 4. Figures included identified cultural heritage sites or places only in FY21 and FY20. Our Response to Climate Change and Emissions Read more – page 59 FY22 FY21 FY20 Total energy use (GJ) 1,242,103 1,248,384 1,251,396 Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 1 (t CO2 equivalent) 62,168 63,337 63,179 1 Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 2 (t CO2 equivalent) 191 138 173 Greenhouse gas emissions - Total (t CO2 equivalent) 62,359 63,475 63,709 1 Carbon monoxide (kg) 303,145 323,9232 256,006 Sulphur dioxide (kg) 362 3862 305 Oxides of nitrogen (g) 650,836 687,5382 570,528 Volatile organic compounds (kg) 31,700 33,2852 24,138 Particulate (<PM10um) emissions (kg) 1,522,418 1,620,9102 1,536,5892 Particulate (<PM2.5um) emissions (kg) 35,061 36,9542 29,258 1. The FY20 Scope 1 emissions changed slightly from what was reported in the 2020 Sustainability Report (63,179t CO 2-e) due to updated guidance received by the Clean Energy Regulatory after the public release of the report. 2. These values have been restated from previous financial years to ensure consistency in calculations.