IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 103 102 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022 Performance Data Primary Sources of Energy Used (GJ) FY22 FY21 FY20 Diesel 1,192,883 1,203,691 1,208,670 Lubricating oil and grease 5,400 9,320 9,181 SWIS electricity sources 1,014 731 905 Unleaded gasoline 96 620 - LPG combusted 109 288 - Solar energy 42,616 33,735 32,640 Total 1,242,118 1,248,3841 1,251,396 1. FY21 data has been restated with the inclusion of LPG combusted, which was previously emitted. Sources of Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions (t CO2-e) FY22 FY21 FY20 Diesel combusted 62,141 63,236 63,405 LPG combusted 6.6 17.4 - SWIS electricity sources 191 138 173 Lubricating oil and grease 14 40 111 Unleaded gasoline 6.4 42.6 18.3 SF6 Stock 0.96 0.96 0.93 Total 62,359 63,475 63,7091 1. The FY20 Scope 1 emissions changed slightly from what was reported in the FY20 Sustainability Report (63,179t CO 2-e) due to updated guidance received by the Clean Energy Regulatory after the public release of the report. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Operation (t CO2-e) FY22 FY21 Scope 1 Scope 2 Total Scope 1 Scope 2 Total Nova Operation 61,255 N/A1 61,255 62,347 N/A1 62,347 Exploration activities 913 58 971 989.6 39.5 1,029 Corporate office N/A2 133 133 N/A2 98.5 98.5 Total 62,168 191 62,359 63,337 138 63,475 1. There were no Scope 2 emissions generated from the Nova Operation in FY21 or FY22. 2. There were no Scope 1 emissions generated from the Corporate Office in FY21 or FY22. FY22WaterWithdrawal and Inputs by Source at Nova Operation (ML) Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids Other water (>1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids) Total Groundwater from production bores - 707.64 707.64 Mine Seepage - 110.36 110.36 Ore Moisture - 18.96 18.96 Precipitation 89.13 - 89.13 Potable Deliveries 8.70 - 8.70 Total 97.83 836.6 934.79 FY22Water Discharge Destinations andOutputs at the Nova Operation (ML) Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids) Other water (>1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids) Total Water to licenced irrigation area 32.55 - 32.55 Total 32.55 - 32.55 FY22 Land Disturbance and Rehabilitation (ha) FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 Land disturbance 115 139 122 387 817 Land rehabilitated 112 687 577 171 5 Environment Read more – page 77 Operational Environment Profile FY22 FY21 FY20 Significant environmental incidents - - - Value of fines and prosecutions - environment ($) - 110,1431 - DMIRS Improvement notices received - environment - - - DMIRS Prohibition notices received - environment - - - Total water consumption (megalitres) 2,170.45 2,256.12 2,110.82 Total water withdrawal (megalitres) 934.79 1,136.62 1,332.43 Total water discharge (megalitres) 32.55 51.69 43.11 Water recycled in process (megalitres) 1,314.60 1,077.42 877.90 Waste rock (t) 154,300 165,787 187,153 Tailings (t) 1,421,745 1,414,966 1,293,793 Materials to on-site landfill (t) 1,153 1,044 908 Materials recycled off-site (t) 567 566 1,040 1. IGO was subject to a penalty of $110,143 for a breach of our exploration tenement conditions. Read more in the 2021 Sustainability Report, page 86. Sources of Scope 3 emissions (t CO2-e) FY22 Purchased goods and services 212 Fuel and energy related activities 5,511 Upstream transportation and distribution 749 Downstream transportation and distribution 9,252 Employee commuting 2,220 Business travel 630 Investments (including joint venture partnerships)1 30,862 Total 49,436 1. Investments include IGO’s 25% interest in the Greenbushes Operation, with data for calendar year 2021 provided. This data excludes the Kwinana Lithium Hydroxide Refinery, which will be captured in the FY23 report.