IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 105 104 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022 Performance Data FY22Water Consumption at the Nova Operation (ML) Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids) Other water (>1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids) Total Decant water recycled - 1,314.60 1,314.60 Paste holdup1 - 285.58 285.58 Evaporation & other losses2 453.51 - 453.51 Water in concentrate 22.70 - 22.70 Deposited tailings holdup - 94.06 94.06 Total 476.21 1,694.24 2,170.45 1. Includes water used in the production of underground paste. 2. Includes evaporation from the tailings storage facility and decant ponds and raw water ponds. Raw water used for dust suppression. Grey water to the spray field. FY22 Total Materials Used FY22 FY21 Non renewable Renewable Non renewable Renewable Explosives (t) 1,038 - 1,069 - Cement (t) 9,988 - 7,680 - Lubricants and oils (kL)1 138.7 - 240.7 - Diesel used (kL) 22,931 - 23,335 - Electricity used (MW hours) 85,486 11,838 84,152 9,371 Gas used (GJ) 109 - 288 - Water consumption (ML) - 2,170.45 - 2,256.1 1. Calculated from the Australian National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) incidental summary and includes lubricating oil, non-lubricant fluid oils and grease. Our Financial Contributions Read more – page 93 Financial Summary FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 Total revenue and other income ($M) 902.8 918.71 892.4 792.9 Underlying EBITDA2 ($M) 716.9 474.6 459.6 340.7 Profit after tax ($M) 330.9 548.73 155.1 76.1 Net cash flow from operating activities ($M) 357.1 446.1 397.5 372.3 Underlying free cash flow ($M) 312.1 363.0 310.8 277.6 Total assets ($M) 4,845.2 3,608.7 2,293.0 2,190.3 Cash ($M) 367.1 528.5 510.3 348.2 Marketable securities ($M) 208.4 110.9 107.8 27.5 Total liabilities ($M) 1,410.0 408.9 367.2 341.2 Shareholders' equity ($M) 3,435 3,199.9 1,925.8 1,849.1 Net tangible assets per share ($ per share) 4.54 4.23 3.26 3.13 Dividends per share (cents) 10.0 10.0 11.0 10.0 Exploration expenditure ($M) 67.7 64.3 71.5 57.3 Reinvestment into capital expenses, such as plant and equipment, mine properties and tenement acquisitions ($M) 71.2 103.2 93.6 122.9 1. Revenue and Other Income from continuing and discontinued operations (excluding profit on sale of Tropicana of $557M). 2. See Glossary for definition. 3. Profit after tax includes gain on sale of Tropicana after tax of $384.8M. Profit after tax excluding this gain is $163.8M. Western Areas IGO settled the Western Areas Limited transaction on 20 June 2022, as such this Sustainability Report does not report fully on performance and data from these operations. Below is a table highlighting key performance metrics for FY22. More information will be provided in future reports. Key ESG Performance Data FY22 Employees1 220 Female Employees (%) 17% Combined Female Employees (IGO & Western Areas) 24% Scope 1 emissions (t CO2-e) 40,111 Scope 2 emissions (t CO2-e) 43,300 Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) (per 1,000,000 hours worked) 13.8 Total Serious Potential Incidents (SPI) 7 Land rehabilitated (ha) 70 Land disturbed (ha) 21 Water consumption (ML) 390 Corporate giving / Community investments ($) 101,633 1. Employee count includes Western Areas Board members, excludes contractors and joint ventures. Supplier Spend Relative to our Operations FY22 FY21 Local 7.0% 6.5% Western Australia 66.0% 74.8% Australia 23.7% 16.4% International 3.3% 2.3% Socio-Economic Contributions FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 Payments to employees in salaries and wages ($M) 75.8 62.4 55.6 45.7 Tax, state royalties and other government payments ($M) 215.9 39.1 36.4 29.7 Payments to suppliers for goods and services ($M) 287.4 256.1 262.9 275.3 Total spend on Aboriginal owned or managed businesses ($M) 8.0 6.2 4.8 5.1 Corporate giving investment ($M) 0.7 0.92 0.6 0.5 Payments to Ngadju people ($M)1 6.5 4.7 4.5 4.1 1. Includes production royalty payments. 2. Includes one-off payment in FY21 to the Norseman and Esperance Communities.