IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 19 Creating Shared Value Inputs Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources: We have high-quality mineral assets at our Nova, Forrestania and Greenbushes Operations and Cosmos Project, delivering the products critical for a green energy future. We are continuing to pursue strategic step-change organic growth through our portfolio of belt-scale exploration projects, nationally and internationally, to unlock the mines and ore reserves of the future. Natural Resources: The stock of natural resources or environmental assets that we use, including water, atmosphere, land and materials. Mining and processing activities are major users of water and energy, and our exploration activities require land access and clearing. We work hard to understand and mitigate our impacts on the environment and these natural resources. Plant and Equipment: Our procurement and contract teams establish relationships with suppliers and contractors to deliver plant, equipment and other solutions for efficient operational performance. Our management of goods and services contributes to the consistent and cost-effective delivery of our products. Financial Capital: This is our pool of necessary funds provided by banks, shareholders or generated through our operations. Our financial resources are allocated to where they will drive sustainable, positive cash flow and deliver optimal financial returns to our shareholders. Human Capital: Our people are our key asset. The competencies, capabilities, experience and drive of our people, employees and contractors alike ensures the success of our business and our capacity to create shared value. Relationships with Stakeholders: Strong relationships and engagement with our stakeholders is critical to gaining and maintaining our social licence to operate. We continue to build relationships based on mutual respect, transparency and trust. Outputs and Outcomes Our outputs include products that meet the global demand for growing renewable energy and clean energy storage markets. We supply the products critical to a green energy future. Our products delivered record revenue and underlying free cash flow in FY22, allowing us to continue to deliver on our purpose and strategy while creating shared value. We are also aware of the unavoidable environmental outputs, including waste, emissions and water discharge, as a result of our direct operations and production. As we strive to deliver returns to our shareholders, we also consider the value creation we can offer our diverse range of stakeholders. Through our business activities — employing people, paying taxes and royalties, procuring suppliers and engaging local businesses — we make a positive contribution to our host communities and the areas in which we operate. Beyond our direct mining activities, our commitment to Making a Difference is demonstrated through our corporate giving contributions, our commitment to environmental research projects, our decarbonisation initiatives, and our support and funding of industry technology development. 26,675t Nickel in concentrate 13,022t Copper in concentrate 982t Cobalt in concentrate 1.4 dry Mt Tailings 1,208ML Water consumption 62,359t CO2-e Scope 1 and 2 emissions $75.9M Salaries and wages paid $0.6M Corporate giving payments $6.5M Payments to Ngadju people $287.4M Payments to suppliers for goods and services $215.9M Tax, state royalties and other government payments Outputs Outcomes