IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 27 26 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022 Our Approach to Sustainability Reporting What Matters We complete a sustainability materiality assessment every year to ensure we understand what issues matter to our stakeholders and our business. We strive to understand what matters internally and externally to the business, and what has a material bearing on our sustainability and financial success. We apply a materiality framework to assess the impact of our activities on a broad range of ESG and economic topics, and we assess the significance of these impacts on the business and our stakeholders. The materiality process informs the scope and level of information described throughout this report. In FY22, we expanded our approach by leveraging independent analysis of our materiality data. By using independent consultants for both internal and external stakeholder engagement, we ensured greater integrity and independence in the outcomes. We used surveys, interviews and reviews of publicly available materials to understand what is important to our stakeholders now, and what they think will be important going forward. The material matters identified were naturally numerous and wide-ranging. Our process for scoring, analysing and prioritised material topics included: 1. Identification and Engagement – We combined feedback from IGO employees, leaders and subject matter experts (internal), as well as considering stakeholder expectations, community feedback, investor surveys and analysing the external environmental and prevalent issues given media attention (external). This resulted in the identification of numerous material topics in FY22 that required prioritisation. 2. Prioritisation – We determined stakeholder concern or importance, and the significance of the material impacts on both the business and our stakeholders. 3. Validation – IGO’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) reviewed the prioritised topics to ensure our purpose and strategic imperatives were considered. Our Sustainability Committee and our Board then reviewed and approved the assessment. Important Material Level of Importance to our Stakeholders Important Significance of Impacts Material MaterialityMatrix High Priorities Safety, Health & Wellbeing of our People Climate Change & Decarbonisation Traditional Owner Relations Governance & Risk Management Our People, Our Culture Ethics, Integrity & Behaviours Industry Skill Shortages & Tightening Labour Market MediumPriorities Innovation & Technology Environmental & Biodiversity Management Sustainability Framework & Policy Alignment Community Engagement & Regional Development Responsible Supply Chain Management Economic Opportunity & Financial Contributions Capital Allocation & Growth Tailings Storage Management Our prioritised material topics identified in FY22 are described and presented in the following table and matrix, along with their respective stakeholder boundary. The GRI content index on page 106 includes responses to the GRI standards for general and topic-specific disclosures and the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement indicators, where we have determined the topics to be material to IGO. The content index also notes additional sources of information as we commit to reporting above and beyond what is required of the GRI (Core option) to ensure full transparency. Material Matters Description and IGO Response Stakeholder Boundary Read More Safety, Health and Wellbeing of our People The Safety, Health and Wellbeing of our people is our highest priority. As a Company we care about our people and keeping each other safe and healthy. Protecting the safety and health of employees, contractors, local communities and other stakeholders is a fundamental responsibility for IGO. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we implemented a range of measures to safeguard our people, protect our ability to operate, and minimise the spread of COVID-19 in the communities closest to our operations. Our people have demonstrated great resilience during this time, and we remain alert to the risks. Internal, External Safety and Wellbeing Page 45 Climate Change and Decarbonisation Contributing to a low carbon future is a key part of our purpose and strategy, and our desire to drive towards carbon neutrality outlines our commitment to decarbonisation and electrification. As a Company, we recognise the important role that we will play in decarbonisation of society through the products we supply which are critical to clean energy storage and the renewable energy revolution. Our response to climate change-related risks and opportunities, as well as our actions to build resilience within our business, are set out in the Our Approach to Climate Change section of this report (page 59). We are aligned to the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, and track and disclose our greenhouse gas emissions. We incentivise decarbonisation, and work towards better understanding our supply chain emissions and risk. Internal, External Our Response to Climate Change Page 59 Traditional Owner Relations We respect Aboriginal people, culture and the connection to Country. We manage our exploration and mining operations carefully and collaboratively to mitigate any impacts we may have on cultural sites. Our activities are subject to both Aboriginal heritage laws and heritage agreements with the Traditional Owners. Respecting and protecting cultural heritage values and sites jointly with Traditional Owners contributes to the quality of our relationships and future growth prospects. We endeavour to provide Aboriginal employment pathways, training opportunities and business partnerships, to support personal empowerment and create opportunities for Aboriginal people. Internal, External Traditional Owners and Communities Page 51 Governance and Risk Management Sustainability is at the heart of what we do. It is embedded in the IGO strategy, and our governance structures are set up to support us in our progress. We safeguard our people, assets, legal position, reputation, and the environment by understanding and managing risk, as well as ensuring we identify opportunities to best serve the long-term interests of all our stakeholders. Internal Business Integrity Page 85 Our People, Our Culture Our culture and our people are our greatest assets. Our diverse and inclusive culture has a strong sense of purpose and is something we are proud of at IGO. We are deliberate in the creation of our culture that we have co-created with our people. We are bold, passionate, fearless and fun, a smarter, kinder more innovative team. Internal Our People Page 37