IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 45 Safety and Wellbeing At a Glance At IGO, we care about our people and aim to keep each other safe and healthy. We proactively prevent harm by providing a safe place of work, safe systems of work and by promoting a culture of safety and wellbeing. Safety andWellbeing Journey Our shared value for safety and wellbeing, and the culture we nurture, mean that we consistently look for improvements and re-evaluate our performance. In FY20, we recognised that our safety performance was not improving, and we undertook an external review of our safety and wellbeing culture and processes. From that review, we committed to focus on embedding safety and wellbeing into our operations for improved integration into the way we work. In FY22, we continued to refresh our approaches to safety and wellbeing and further address the outcomes we were seeing in our business. To review our safety and wellbeing practices within our businesses we engaged with our people on the challenges and ideas they had, to discover what was working and identify opportunities for improvements. This feedback provided us with an opportunity to develop a robust overarching strategy based around four key themes – Leadership, Management Systems, Critical Risk and Organisational Learning. The strategy was applied to each part of the business to address the key focus areas and supported by the development and implementation of improvement plans where required. In a working environment that continued to be challenged by COVID-19, the FY22 year has seen a determined effort by our people to maintain momentum and progress in our safety, health and wellbeing programs. Our key health and wellbeing program for FY22 was the development and delivery of a new, inhouse health and wellbeing program named I-GO Well. This comprehensive approach focused on our leadership development and consolidated our application of safety critical risk management in the business to deliver a program designed to inspire and motivate our people with support to look after their physical, mental and financial wellbeing. In FY22, we also continued the delivery of a number of other programs including: • consolidation of contractor safety assessment and support practices • new and improved processes to ensure lessons learned and sharing of information on internal and external incidents is a priority • application of in-field safety leadership activities around safety and wellbeing risks • establishing a clear leadership narrative for safety that helps us to consistently address the inherent tensions between productivity and safety and wellbeing; and • development of a combined safety and health critical risk guidance to provide further support and materials to our business. 14.1 7%vs FY21 Increase in IGO’s Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR), up from FY21 97% of our people reported feeling safe at IGO, an improvement on FY21 and significantly higher than similar benchmarked organisations FY22 saw a small increase in the number of injuries and a decrease in the severity of injuries recorded Safety work programs planned for FY23 will deliver a safer workplace for our people Pre-start stretching at the Nova Electrical Workshop Enduring commitment to safety and care