IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 47 46 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022 Safety and Wellbeing Step Changes in Safety Performance Our strategic direction and safety and wellbeing programs of work have given us indicators of improved safety and wellbeing performance in our business with Significant Potential Incidents (SPI) and High Potential Incidents (HPI) trending downwards. Aligned with the significant trend seen in the SPI and HPI performance, we have seen similar improvement in our serious injury performance, whilst maintaining high levels of accountability and transparency in our reporting. We have seen a step change in our Lost Time Injuries from FY19 - FY22 indicating a decrease in numbers and severity of injuries recorded in our business. Safety Culture Our annual Engagement Survey continues to provide us with valuable insights into how people feel about working at IGO, and each year we obtain specific feedback on our safety and wellbeing approach and programs. In FY22, the results indicated a third year of successive improvement in our people’s perceptions of safety and feeling of wellbeing at IGO. The results tell us that: • 97% of people felt safe performing their duties at IGO, a small increase from FY21, and significantly higher when benchmarked against similar organisations • 97% of people felt empowered to stop the job if they felt it was unsafe, the same result as FY21 • 95% of people believe that IGO considers workplace safety and security as important; a small decrease from FY22; and • 88% of people believe that messages from IGO leaders about safety are consistent with their actions, a small increase from FY21. Safety andWellbeing – AWork in Progress Leadership Development During FY22, we worked with our workplace frontline leaders to improve knowledge and confidence in field interactions which support our IGO Visual Leadership Program for safety. The field interaction approach is used by the leadership team at IGO to engage with our people in their own workplace, review critical risks, observe work practices, and have in depth conversations to understand how work is completed. The focus of these is to interact with our people, listen to their perspectives, gain a better understanding, and identify areas to improve our safe work practices, levels of workplace support, equipment, and the work environment. Our leadership development activities have also included the continuation of the safety strategy work which we commenced in FY21. This work has continued to produce the learning activities required to develop the understanding and communication skills essential for our leaders. More information on the Visual Leadership Program can be found on page 49. Leaders Narrative for Safety When we established the strategic focus area on safety leadership, we identified the need to address the potential tension for our people between working safely and workplace productivity. Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) (Per 1,000,000 Hours Worked) FY22 14.1 FY21 13.2 FY20 16.9 FY19 9.6 FY18 15.8 To better understand this, we undertook a series of reviews with IGO leadership stakeholders. The stakeholders experiences, personal approaches, messaging, communication styles and opportunities were discussed and used to develop a series of consolidated themes and allowed us to develop an approach to enhance our leaders narrative for IGO. From here the IGO Leadership Narrative for safety was born. The Leadership Narrative for safety has a range of specific themes, narrative messaging and activities which are currently being combined into a leadership development program. This program will coach IGO leaders on ways to be confident in clearly articulating our safety narrative and to provide the skills and strategies to act on it and deliver practical guidance of the narrative within their roles and their workplaces. In FY23, the program will be refined, piloted and then implemented with leaders across the business. Management Systems Our internal processes described by our policies and standards are the principal guides to delivering a safe and healthy workplace. In FY22, we committed to consolidate and simplify our Group Safety Standards to a single management standard which we delivered mid-year. In delivering the single Safety and Wellbeing Risks Standard for IGO, we streamlined 19 separate documents into one and, in doing so, provided significant simplification to our processes. Simplifying and streamlining safety documents and processes is an example of our commitment to reduce complexity and to improve processes and increase our people’s ease and confidence in using them to make our workplaces safer. In FY23, we will work with our people to further embed our approach to ensure that by being straightforward and fit for purpose, our safety and wellbeing processes are an enabler to safer outcomes. Contractor Safety In FY21, we recognised that our existing contractor partnerships required us to review and strengthen our contract safety review and support processes. In response, we established new processes to better define safe systems of work, engaging with contractors and mobilising them to our worksites. We also continued our initial implementation of our new contractor management processes at our mining and exploration worksites by training personnel in our business and reviewing contractor processes and systems. FY23 will see continued refinement and broader application of these important relationships and processes to ensure our business partners achieve the best possible safety outcomes. Safety and Health Risk In FY22, we maintained our commitment to understanding and managing safety and health risks to ensure the safety and health of people in our workplaces. Our businesses continued to embed and improve on our safety and health critical risk management processes with new programs of training and critical control verification activities undertaken. In FY22, we commenced the development of a combined safety and health critical risk guidance process to provide further support and materials to our business. For FY23, the newly documented process aims to ensure improved processes, consistency and better transparency for our established safety and health critical risk management programs. Organisational Learning In our commitment to deliver a safer workplace, we look to ensure that we actively share insights and learnings throughout our work teams. Our focus in FY22 was to improve processes and capacity to learn from incidents by improving our internal communication processes. During the year we developed and implemented new templates for sharing information immediately after internal incidents and for sharing the more comprehensive learnings gained from our incident investigations once complete. Recognising that experience from our peers in the industry in Australia and globally can also add value to our safety knowledge and inform our processes, we also developed a review process to identify external learnings and share them through our business. Incident alerts and investigations external to our business are identified and reviewed by our Health and Safety team and then shared throughout the business to be used in team meetings and safety meetings as focus topics and opportunities for internal discussion and review. Measuring our Performance Sustainability Indicators and Targets Progress FY22 FY21 Read More Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) Target: Year-on-year improvement TRIFR FY22 = 14.1 (up from 13.2 in FY21) Page 100 Employee perceptions on safety and wellbeing Target: Improve or maintain our year-on-year score, determined in our annual Engagement Survey Safety: care outside the team = 3% improvement to 90% in FY22 Safety: care inside the team = 1% improvement to 93% in FY22 Page 46 Safety Programs of Work – ensure we are striving to identify and implement safety and wellbeing improvement activities through a robust program of work Target: Complete at least 90% of intended safety and wellbeing planned activities across the business Nova Operation = 95% of safety Programs of Work implemented in FY22 Exploration = 85% of safety Programs of Work implemented in FY22 Page 46 Critical risks – ensure we understand and effectively manage the critical risks to our people and our business Target: Complete at least 90% of planned critical risk activities across the business Nova Operation = 95% of planned critical risk activities completed in FY22 Exploration = 90% of planned critical risk activities completed in FY22 Page 47 Serious Potential Incidents (SPI) and High Potential Incidents (HPI) FY22 3 3 FY21 1 11 FY20 2 24 FY19 5 9 FY18 13 42 SPI HPI Target met/acceptable performance Target on track/adequate performance Target not met/we need to do better