IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022— 91 90 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022 Business Integrity In FY22, IGO committed to a continuous review and improvement approach to address the risks in our operations and supply chains. We planned to: • formalise the processes we follow to perform modern slavery due diligence on our proposed business partners • review and refine the Initial Risk Assessment data assessment sources • continue to build our performance monitoring and evaluation system • develop a Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure our suppliers understand our expectations and management of modern slavery; and • deliver targeted, risk-based training for departments within our business. Our Modern Slavery Statement for the FY22 reporting period will be published by December 2022. Contractor Management IGO engages contractors and industry experts to provide best-practice services and deliver outcomes outside our knowledge base. At IGO we treat our contractors as part of our team and this year we introduced a Partnering Excellence Award category which was awarded to the contractor who had gone above and beyond in their service delivery and contributed to the “One IGO” environment. When contractors are at an IGO site, their safety and welfare is IGO’s responsibility. IGO expects that its contractors work in accordance with our values and Code of Conduct, and that they provide their workforce with a safe system of work and a safe place of work. We expect our contractors to monitor and report on their performance, and we expect to see improved trends in measured outcomes. Put simply, we expect to see the same high standards we require of our direct employees. All contractors working at IGO managed sites are provided with an IGO representative to manage their contract. This provides IGO with a direct opportunity to maintain ongoing management. Reporting and Public Disclosure Information about IGO’s operational, financial and sustainability performance is issued in a timely manner through several communication channels including media releases, ASX announcements, voluntary ESG assessments, social media, and community meetings. We provide responses to stakeholder enquiries and remain an active participant in industry associations. Further information on our ESG specific public disclosure and results can be found on page 34. Tax Transparency At IGO, we are committed to open and transparent dealings with all our stakeholders. Payment of tax is an important element of our contribution to the economic development of Australia. During the year we released our Tax Transparency Report for FY21, including details on our approach to tax strategy and governance, effective tax rates and tax contribution summaries. The report was prepared in conformance with the recommendations of the Board of Taxation’s Voluntary Tax Transparency Code. Our FY22 Tax Transparency Report will be released in November 2022 and made available on our website. Read more about our tax contributions and our support of regional economic development in the Our Financial Contributions section of this report on page 93. Tailings Dam Management Disclosure Tailings storage facilities are reservoirs or dams that store mine tailings. Mine tailings are the fine-grained waste rock material, suspended in a water slurry, that are discharged from an ore processing plant following the extraction of the desired metal or mineral. Inappropriate storage or mismanagement of tailings facilities has the potential to cause catastrophic safety, health and/or environmental risks. Given this, IGO supports the need for the public disclosure of tailings storage management practices. Information relating to IGO’s TSF is published on our website. Further information regarding our tailings storage management can be read on page 80 of this report. Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) IGO recognises the importance of providing timely and businessspecific information on our approach to managing climate changerelated risks and opportunities to stakeholders and investors. In the Our Response to Climate Change section of this report (page 59), we have disclosed our alignment against the recommendations of the TCFD. This includes a detailed assessment of climate change-related risks and opportunities over relevant timehorizons, scenario analysis to test the resilience of our existing business strategies and the introduction of an internal carbon price to inform financial planning. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) IGO’s sustainability reports are prepared in accordance with the GRI standards (Core option) and the GRI Mining and Metals Sector Supplement. This ensures best-practice for sustainability reporting, balanced reporting, and full transparency of performance against ESG factors important to our business and industry. Although we report against the GRI Core option, we have reported above and beyond what is required to ensure full transparency. The GRI content index can be found on page 106. Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Public Report The WGEA is an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The Agency is charged with promoting and improving gender equality in Australian workplaces. IGO submit an annual WGEA report to publicly disclose our progress on achieving gender equality in our business and this is available on our website. Combating Modern Slavery We are committed to the eradication of modern slavery through the adoption of responsible due diligence and sourcing processes. IGO upholds fundamental human rights and respects cultures, customs and values in all dealings with people, places and companies involved in our activities. Governments, investors and civil society expect businesses to meet their responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and international human rights principles. We agree that no business should tolerate modern slavery or other serious abuses of human rights in its operations or across its supply chains. IGO and its subsidiaries prepare a joint annual Modern Slavery Statement in accordance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018. Each Modern Slavery Statement details the steps IGO has taken to assess modern slavery risks within our operations and supply chains, the actions we have taken to address those risks, and how we evaluate the effectiveness of our actions. IGO’s reporting period covers a financial year. IGO prepared its first Modern Slavery Statement for the FY20 reporting period. In our second reporting period for FY21, IGO’s approach included: • continuing to develop and mature our approach to modern slavery and our operational and supply chain risk factors • developing our approach to the assessment of the risks in our operations and supply chain; and • the adoption of a continuous review and improvement approach to our governance framework to manage our modern slavery risks. We conducted a review of our contracting templates and drafted new clauses to reflect our modern slavery expectations and obligations, executing variations of contracts for existing suppliers in higher-risk categories such as the provision of temporary labour. We established specific modern slavery governance processes to identify and manage our modern slavery risks, including an Initial Risk Assessment to review each proposed new supplier prior to onboarding. We also implemented an annual modern slavery review of our existing suppliers. We did not identify any instances of modern slavery in our operations or supply chains.