20 Independence Group NL
Regional Exploration
Fraser Range Joint Venture (IGO: 70%)
The Fraser Range Joint Venture (IGO: 70%: Creasy group: 30%) covers an area of over 895km
and includes over 100km of strike
length of the Proterozoic Albany-Fraser mobile belt on the south-east margin of the Yilgarn Craton, which contains the new
Nova Project nickel belt and the extensions of the Tropicana gold belt.
Exploration for additional nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation is continuing throughout the joint venture area. Several
promising early stage prospects are actively being explored. The Crux and Centauri area 60km southwest of the Nova Project
is of significant interest with preliminary systematic drilling confirming the presence of prospective mafic/ultramafic intrusions,
nickel copper sulphide mineralisation and outlining anomalous zones of copper and nickel at shallow levels.
Reconnaissance diamond drilling is ongoing to test areas of the Crux and Centauri intrusions.
Further afield in the Fraser Range Joint Venture area, reconnaissance-style exploration, using a combination of ground
geophysical methods and regional soil geochemical programs, will continue with the aim of defining anomalies for follow-up
Figure 3: Fraser Range Joint Venture (IGO: 70%) tenure