Annual Report 2015 79
Directors' report
30 June 2015
Remuneration report
The Directors present the Independence Group NL 2015 remuneration report, outlining key aspects of the Company's
remuneration policy and framework, and remuneration awarded this year.
The report is structured as follows:
Key management personnel (KMP) covered in this report
Remuneration policy and link to performance
Elements of remuneration
Link between remuneration and performance
Remuneration expenses for executive KMP
Contractual arrangements for executive KMP
Non-executive director arrangements
Other statutory information
(a) Key management personnel covered in this report
Non-executive and executive Directors (see pages 12 to 13 for details about each Director)
Peter Bilbe
Peter Bradford
Peter Buck (from 3 October 2014)
Geoffrey Clifford
Rod Marston (until 20 November 2014)
Kelly Ross (until 24 December 2014)
Keith Spence (from 17 December 2014)
Other key management personnel
Matt Dusci (from 27 July 2014)
General Manager, New Business
Brett Hartmann
General Manager, Operations
Scott Steinkrug
Chief Financial Officer
Tony Walsh
Company Secretary and General Manager, Corporate
Keith Ashby (from 7 April 2015)
Sustainability Manager
Sam Retallack
Human Resources Manager
Following a review of the organisational structure, and to coincide with the 2015 financial year budget, a number of
changes were made in early July 2014, effective 1 July 2014. This included changes to the structure of the Exploration
Department and the appointment of Matt Dusci to the position of General Manager, New Business. As a result of this
change in structure, Tim Kennedy, Rodney Jacobs and Andrew Eddowes were no longer considered KMP's, effective 1
July 2014. Further to this, Sam Retallack also became a direct report to the Managing Director and became a KMP
effective 1 July 2014.
(b) Remuneration policy and link to performance
The Company's Remuneration Committee ("Committee") is made up of independent non-executive directors. The
Committee reviews and determines the Company's remuneration policy and structure annually to ensure it remains
aligned to business needs, and meets the Company's remuneration principles. From time to time, the Committee also
engages external remuneration consultants to assist with this review, see page 23 for further information. In particular,
the Board aims to ensure that remuneration practices are:
• competitive and reasonable, enabling the company to attract and retain key talent;
• aligned to the company's strategic and business objectives and the creation of shareholder value; and
• transparent and easily understood.
The remuneration framework of the Group
is summarised as follows:
Independence Group NL