Annual Report 2015 77
Directors' report
30 June 2015
Environmental regulation
The Group’s operations are subject to significant environmental regulation under the laws of the Commonwealth and
various States of Australia. During the year there were no non-compliance incidents.
The Group is subject to the reporting obligations of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007, under
which the Group reports its greenhouse emissions, energy consumption and production. Systems have been put in
place to comply with these reporting requirements. The Directors have considered compliance with the National
Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 which requires entities to report annual greenhouse gas emissions and
energy use.
The Environmental Policy is available in the Corporate Governance section of the Company’s website.
Information on directors
Peter Bilbe - Chairman and Independent Non-executive Director.
BEng (Mining) (Hons), MAusIMM
Board member since March 2009 and Chairman since July 2011.
Special responsibilities Mr Bilbe is a member of the Remuneration, Audit and Sustainability and Risk Committees.
Other directorships
Mr Bilbe is currently a director of Northern Iron Limited. He was also a director of Sihayo
Gold Limited until November 2013.
Peter Bradford - Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.
BAppSc (Extractive Metallurgy), FAusIMM, MSMME
Managing Director and Board member since March 2014.
Special responsibilities Mr Bradford is the executive in charge of the day to day management of the Group’s
activities, including operations, risk management and corporate development. He is also a
member of the Sustainability and Risk Committee.
Other directorships
Mr Bradford was previously a director of PMI Gold Corporation until February 2014.
Peter Buck - Independent Non-executive Director from 3 October 2014.
M.Sc. (Geology), M.AusIMM
Board member since his appointment on 3 October 2014.
Special responsibilities Mr Buck is a member of the
Audit and Sustainability and Risk Committees.
Other directorships
Mr Buck is currently a non-executive director of Antipa Minerals Ltd.
Geoffrey Clifford - Independent Non-executive Director.
Board member since 2012.
Special responsibilities Mr Clifford is a member of the Remuneration, Audit, Sustainability and Risk Committees.
Other directorships
Mr Clifford is currently a director of Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited (from 1 October
Independence Group NL