Annual Report 2015 53
Greenfields exploration in FY2015 has
focused on target generation, definition
and drill testing at the Beachcomber
and Salt Creek JV’s, formerly part of the
Tropicana JV, Bryah Basin (VMS) project,
and Lake Mackay (Gold and Base
metals) project. IGO has two projects in
Sweden under a targeting alliance with
Mawson Resources Ltd (nickel-copper).
The Company will
continue to investigate
opportunities both in
Australia and overseas.
was spent on greenfields
exploration during FY2015
Target generation activities continued
in Australia, South America and West
Africa using an in-house prospectivity
mapping process incorporating the
Global Lithospheric Architecture
Mapping (GLAM) database. This
initiative highlighted a number of areas
of interest that are being evaluated
and additionally provides a useful
first pass screening process when
reviewing opportunities in these